


  bovine lust 22-oct-2001  

"We think it's a hoax that's being carried out by some very strange people ... It seems very unpatriotic, when everyone else is trying to pull together, to do something so divisive ..."
--- Jeff Teague, President/CEO Planned Parenthood of Middle and East Tennessee

     I think Jeff Teague gets the Understatement of the Year Award.

     "Strange people..." "Unpartriotic..."

     I initially listened to New Zealand's shoddy reporting about the events in the US. I've since taken to getting my news online from MSNBC and CNN, but there's certainly not much good news, is there?

     The nerve of some people is beyond belief.

     The fact that certain people (groups, mind you) in the US would use the current Anthrax scare to further their own political (and anti-social) agendas is completely beyond me.
     I've been over here telling my wife, "Most Americans aren't so bloody thick. Most people are extremely polite, service is excellent compared to what we're used to."

     I have to wondering what some of these morons thinking.

     In Knoxville last week, and probably a lot of other places, some women's health clinics (who may, or may not, perform some operations which some certain religious groups might find inappropriate, if not loathesome) received Anthrax threats via the mail.

     Regardless of where someone stands on any issue, be it religious, politicial, legal or otherwise, anyone taking advantage of this paranoia should rot in Hell for all eternity.
     Our Emergency workers in the US are spread thin enough as it is. It isn't the US Government or the Centre for Disease Control that are going to react to these threats first... It's our Firefighters.

     And for some reason, the same dumbasses who bereave all those dead Firefighters in New York (remember the ones who died trying to save people from the World Trade Centres?) want to make their deaths seem trivial, as if they were casualties of the Anti-Abortion War --- rather than proud volunteers who served their fellow men & women to their untimely demise.

     We all know what sort of person did it.
     It was obviously the work of that hyper-religious zealout who can't see past his own nose... The one who cries "Rapture!" every time one world leader gets pissed off at another... The one who's always sure to keep that Bible raised high above his head like a shield from the wrath of the very God that he says loves him.
     I figured it's time he read the damn thing rather than cracking skulls with it.

     It's a pity, too, that Mr. Teague couldn't find any stronger words. His detractors obviously don't have such restraint.

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 updated: 22-oct-2001 copyright © mark steel publishing ltd.