



     Here are a few the more interesting, useful, supporting or "people I never gave a link to like a dumbass" pages out on the net. If something doesn't work, I probably know it, so please don't e-mail me about it. The last thing I need it to get flooded with several thousand e-mails telling me the same thing. If it doesn't work, I'll get to it. ;-)

Card Tricks No relation to Speedy Rabbit.
How to spot a mad cow ...for the Poms in the audience
The Flash Psychic Had to do it twice before figuring it out
Urban Desires One of the first, and best, online mags.
Crime Scene You figure it out. ;-)
 spirituality  Buddhist Information Network
Institute of Zen Studies
Shinto Read all about it
Su Tzu's Chinese Philosophy Page
 friends & 
 supporters The best thing since the straw!
Speedy Rabbit Music Thanks for the bar tabs!
TROG218 Sorry about blowing up your machine...
Astarte Spirit Crafts Thanks for the Brass Tits, Ann! ;-)
Linda Milam Brown (Paranoia at its finest)
Steve Mizrach Took long enough, didn't it? *grin*
A. Aswell Cosmic Rays, huh?
Nighthawk Got it?
Niilo Paasivirta A freaky, angry little man ;-) Anton, Deb... Thanks. :-)
Yoyo's Page Just politics, my arse.
The Newsletter I still don't get it, but okay. ;-)
I Hate People Seems he's had some woman problems.
Top 500 Sites There are only 36, tho.
The Grinch's Cave Can't believe you kept that so long.
Executive Branch:
The White House

Legislative Branch:
House of Representatives
U.S. Senate

Judicial Branch:
Department of Justice
U.S. Federal Courts

Information Agencies:
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Central Intelligence Agency Yes, it's the CIA
Drug Enforcement Administration

Other Departments:
Thomas - Congressional Info Keep tabs on your Reps in the House.
Library of Congress
U.S. State Department
Department of the Interior
NASA At least it's safer than flying ValueJet...
FCC Try out the FCC ID lookup
Federal Web Locator Very useful when you don't know what you're looking for!

Party Flavours:
Democratic National Committee Useless
Republican National Committee Useless
Democratic Socialists of America oh, redundant...
Socialist Party USA oh, redundant...
Libertarian Party You'd think they'd get a webmaster...
Reform Party Nice site... Did EDS do it?
 activism  Internet Rights:
CAUCE Think of the tax money it'll CAUCEd...

ACLU Assholes Can Litigate, Unfortunately.

back to the index 

 updated: 4-dec-2000 copyright © mark steel publishing ltd.