Archive for October, 2005


October 22nd, 2005 at 10:54 pm by Sam
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Now, the amusing part here is *not* the sign itself. To me, it’s just a moose-crossing sign. I’ve seen plenty of those in Canada.

This one, however, is located just outside of Linton, Indiana. On a farm. Where they raise … Buffalo.


Not moose.

An apology…

October 22nd, 2005 at 12:06 am by Sam
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Sure, I said we were open and ready to roll. Unfortunately, in our little clique, people are either out of town, enjoying Fall Break with their children or just too damn busy to even think about sitting down to write an introduction (yeah, guys, you know who are!). I can’t entertain you alone. Bah. So … look forward to next week when everyone returns to the grind!

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October 21st, 2005 at 11:52 am by Sam
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This unfortunate sign was seen on I-57 in Illinois. Guys always exaggerate, don’t they?