Koala Garden?

January 7th, 2006 at 1:01 am by Sam
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Nice … Panda?

Koala Garden

This Chinese restaurant is on Callahan Drive in Knoxville. At one point, I did try and ask an elderly gentleman why there was a picture of a Koala above the name Panda Garden. He just kept repeating, “Pan’ Ga’den,” over and over as he nodded and smiled. I tried to explain, but eventually digressed to respond in kind.


One Response to “Koala Garden?”

  1. Mark Says:

    Okay, for those who are interested…

    Panda Garden
    2423 Callahan Dr
    Knoxville, TN 37912
    (865) 938-8922

    If you’re looking for something a little more authentic, it’s pretty kickass. 😉 Still, it sucks that Canton closed…