I am a Star Wars Dork

June 28th, 2006 at 12:49 pm by Mark
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     Most of my friends know that I’m a Star Wars dork.  Collected since the 70’s, comic books, bubble gum cards and toys in boxes have come in handy for making quick cash on more than one occasion.  I even have a small collection of Star Wars domain names.
     Needless to say, I don’t take it as seriously as some people.  For me, it’s something fun, and a good diversion.  And I get to make a little cash.

     But, as with many things Science Fiction, Role Playing or otherwise, there are people who go to extremes.  Swanky posted a photo a few days ago and sent me a link. 

Hospitality Staff on the Death Star 

     I couldn’t help but think, “Ahh, man, they might be doing that for the rest of their lives.”

     It’s not mine, but … Check out Dooku.net, and be sure to hit the white block under the movie for a little dorky humour.


One Response to “I am a Star Wars Dork”

  1. paul Says:

    theres nothing wrong with being a star wars geek ::), i think we are just imaginative 🙂