Not All Terrorists are Muslim, But All Muslims are Terrorists

September 6th, 2006 at 4:51 am by Mark
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     I’m gonna post the full text of an e-mail going around:


Never forget why we are fighting terrorism around the world! When you hear people say forget it, it won’t happen again, start watching because it will be repeated!

Not all Muslims are terrorist,
but all terrorist are Muslim!

So what is the proper solution to remedy this problem?



     When I read stuff like that, I have to ask — WHAT KIND OF RACIST ASSHOLES ARE WE GROWING IN THIS COUNTRY?

     This is bullshit.

     Support the Troops.

     Support the War, even.

     Just remember that for every single one of “those” sorts of e-mails you forward on, you ignore the fact that a Racial Seperatist, Nazi Skinhead named Timothy McVeigh blew up an Oklahoma City Federal Building in 1995.
     And — Timothy McVeigh was a Christian.

     You also ignore the “God-Fearing Christians” who, days after 9/11, sent anthrax letters to health clinics across the country.

     What do you think of that?

     “Oh, well that aren’t real Christians!” is about as valid as “Oh, well, they aren’t real Muslims!” given the circumstances.

     Grow up!

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11 Responses to “Not All Terrorists are Muslim, But All Muslims are Terrorists”

  1. Swanky Says:

    That’s probaly very similar to a letter going around Islam that says,

    “Kill them all! Let Allah sort them out! Do not forget Palestine! Do not forget Lebanaon! Do not forget the Crusades! Do not forget the Shah of Iran! Do not forget how they occupy Iraq!…”

    I heard “Nuke ’em all” just today. And we wonder why they are trying to do just that to us? A little bit of unilateralism goes a long way.

    My nagging fear is that GW has something just like this in the back of his mind. That Jeebus has told him he needs to set Armegeddon in motion and pave the way for Jeebus to return. That he will perpetrate something extremely ugly in the name of his god as a parting shot from his Presidency that will seal our fate and make him a saint to all the very radical Christians out there. If I know my Protestant Kristian fundy theology, the ultimate thing for him to do is blow up the Dome of the Rock. Somehow he might even find a way to “accidentally” do it…

  2. Mark Says:

    I think it’s a perfectly irrational fear, propagated by media, moonbats and maniacal mystics. After all, the Flying Spaghetti Monster will save us. 😉

  3. rey Says:

    United States should be a muslim free country. If Barak Obama gets in the white house, we will be the new Islamerica.

  4. Jake Says:

    I don’t mean to confuse you, but Tim McViegh was an Odinist (worshipped Norse gods), not christian. Look it up.

  5. Mark Says:

    Why would I be confused?

    From sources a bit more official than the Internet:


    No confusion there, or in his last requests:

    …immediately prior to his death (on the gurney), McVeigh received Sacrament of Extreme Unction.

    Or his obituary:

    As a child he attended the Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Church in Pendleton, New York, where his father remains a member. A memorial mass was held for him there on February 15th, 2002.

    Other White Supremacist organizations who claim McVeigh as one of their own denounce the Odinism rumors due to their own radical brands of Christianity, doctrines which require “total allegiance.” Thus, the “Not Christian/Odinism” claim is purely the domain of Neo-Nazi skinheads, Internet conspiracy theorists and judgemental Christians who refuse to accept the fact that there are segments of their own sects who are so ridiculously radical.

  6. someone Says:

    Big deal. Anyone can grow a beard, thumb a rosary and spout a few Arabic verses to call themselves Muslim. They could be anyone in the world, any Christian, Indian, Free thinker. They could even be Muslims, but brain washed extremists who do this for the sake of politics instead of Islam. Do you know that sucide bombs happen every two-three weeks in Pakistan? I think it’s strange and wrong Muslims are killing Muslims.

  7. Loewe Says:

    Pretty primitive debate this. Apart from blatant racism, which I despise, a difference must be made between a person belonging to a religious mainstream group comitting acts of terrorism and a person comitting acts of terrorism in the name of religion. “Christian” terrorists are almost exclusively secular and motivated by other reasons than religious.

    It is also folly to define Islam as purely a religion. It is a way of life with religious, political, social, juridical, economical and military aspects. Islam divides and unites at the same time. This is best described by Leon Uris in “The Haj”: “So before I was nine, I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; and the tribe against the world. And all of us against the infidel.”

  8. SUJOY VARMA Says:


    The Religion of Islam is a very bad Religion. Because of the Muslim men & women are terror. I think all Muslims are terror. The Muslims says the Religion of Christian is very nasty and hate the Christian Community. The Muslims also says the Religion of Islam is the best Religion. So all Muslims are hate the Christian and other religious Community such as the Hindu, Buddhist etc. The Muslims are terrorist mostly the Muslim women are very dangerous. The Muslim women put on a dress called Borkha (black colored) and carries BOMB & explosive from here an there. The Islam born by terrorism called Zehad. The Muslims (all Muslims Country) declared the war called Zehah against Christian and other religious Community such as the Hindu, Buddhist etc. The Muslims do not like American, Mexican, European, German, Italian, Indian, China, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Brazilian etc. The ideology of Muslims is that they will make the Muslim world of our world. The Muslim wants to go all the country of our world and speared one by one Muslim such over the country by natural production. The Muslims targeted to destroy American, Mexican, European, German, Italian, Indian, China, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Brazilian etc and will establish The Islam all over the world. So the time has come to resist the Muslims all over the world and never believe the Muslim person. Now it will be best to stop the Muslim to enter into the America. Dr. Jakir Naik who is one of the performer of the Islamic Television Channel called “PEACH TV” and another Islamic Television Channel called “ISLAMIC TV” always says that the Muslims will establish Islam all over the world. Dr. Jakir Naik called a war to criticize against Christian and other religious Community such as the Hindu, Buddhist etc by these two Television Channel. So the time has come to broadcast by the TV Channel and other media, JESUS is the only Lord of us. JESUS is the only lord of the world. JESUS is the only lord of the universe and destroy these two Television Channel “PEACH TV” & “ISLAMIC TV”. Otherwise in future the Muslims will harmful all other religious Community.
    In Bangladesh The political party Jamat Islami is a terrorist political party. The political party Jamat Islami is made of all Muslims members who are the dangerously terrorist. Those who are terrorist Muslims they are the member of Jamat Islami. Jamat Islami has a under ground where the conspiracy and consult with their members against American, Mexican, European, German, Italian, Indian, China, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Brazilian etc mostly against Christian religious Community. It is clear that and have several evidences that a deep connection with the Afgan AL-KAIDA. Jamat Islami is financed by Afgan AL-KAIDA and more of the Islamic Country. The political party Jamat Islami think and supposed to be that America is the big enemy of Jamat Islami. It have several evidences that recently The political party Jamat Islami of Bangladesh is working with Afgan AL-KAIDA against and to destroy American, Mexican, European, German, Italian, Indian, China, Japanese, Korean, Australian, Brazilian etc mostly against Christian religious Community. So the time has come to stop The political party Jamat Islami of Bangladesh. Recently the political party Jamat Islami of Bangladesh prepared to bombing to the different places in Bangladesh mostly in the American centre, Indian center and also targeted the China Embassy, Russian Embassy, German Embassy, France Embassy.
    It should be establish all over the world that the Religion of Christian is the best Religion.
    United States is going to be attacked by the Muslim Terrorist. So United States should be Muslim free country. The Muslims are thinking that they will make the Muslim country of United States next 30 years. So It should be careful of all the people of United Stated from all the Muslims who are living in United Stated.
    France has taken a decision to stop the BORKHA (a special Muslim women clothing). I think France has taken a right decision for Christian people and The Hindu people. So United State should take the same decision. In Bangladesh many Muslim people have got the first letter of DV-2010 program but the Muslim People of Bangladesh are almost Terrorist for Christian people, Hindu people and other community people. In Bangladesh the Christian people and Hindu people are tortured by the Muslim people. So United State should stop the Bangladeshi Muslim people to give the visa for United States of DV-2010 program.
    United States should broadcast the Christian Religion by the TV channel all over the world to encourage the Christian people and the Hindu people of the world.
    The Muslims are the biggest enemy for the Christian people and the Hindu people of the world. So never believe the Muslim people.

    Thanks a lot
    JESUS is the only Lord of us. JESUS is the only lord of the world. JESUS is the only lord of the universe.

    -: JESUS :-
    -: JESUS :-
    -: JESUS :-

  9. carlos Says:

    as i think this is wrong that we says that this is a muslim terrorist or a christian terrorists ahindu or sigh or any thing else.
    those who kills innocent people do bomb blasts or any thing else they are not from any religion niether they are human.
    so we people are crazy that we blaming each other'”s religion
    i am muslim and i am proud to be a muslim. and our holy book there is wrritten that we chould not insult any others religion.
    so plea don”t blame each other for all these.

  10. Sam Says:

    Then you should count yourself lucky. One of the biggest problems with the worldwide flavor of political Islam is that most of your foreign brothers are unable to read this beautiful book. Too often they are taught the dogma that they are holy, and everyone else is Infidel. This shines starkly against what is written in the Koran, which considers that Arabs are the Infidel.

    I agree somewhat, however I believe Leowe said it better.

  11. Mark Says:

    I hope that that wasn’t Carlos Fernandez Velasquez Allahu Akbar Dirkha Dirkha Muhammed Jihad Corazon. I really hate that guy.