I’ve Been Tagged by GirlieGeek

July 12th, 2007 at 9:50 am by Diva
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GirlieGeek tagged me a while back to do this shameless meme, but I’ve been in the dark ages for a while and I’m just now getting to it.

I’m supposed to give 8 totally random facts about who Diva is.

So, here we go:

1.  Diva is a very young grandmother at the ripe old age of 36.  Tyler is a two year old -mohawk sportin – curtain crawler and is truly the love of my life! 


2.  Diva digs travel.  I found a super swell job back in 2000 and stayed here.  It affords me the luxury of travelling both the U.S. and Europe.  I’ve been everywhere I’ve ever thought I might want to go and then some.

Diva just found out today she’s going on a European hoooo-haaaaa in October with stops in Germany, Budapest, Italy and France.  I friggin love my job!

3. Diva does karaoke.   I’m a junkie.  I go to Vegas, I karaoke.  I go to NYC, I karaoke.  Everywhere I go, the camera goes with.  Why, to add to my karaoke scrapbook that was started in 1998.

4.  Diva worked her way through school as an adult.  I was a complete idiot in my younger years and didn’t figure I needed an ed-u-ma-cation cuz I was a-gettin married and he’d take care of me.  Sha, right.  In 2000, I went back to school and graduated in 2006.  Go me!

5.  Diva is on the road to freedom.  By the time I reach the big 4-0:  both of my kids will have graduated high school, I will have my MBA, I will lose a bunch more weight (fingers crossed here), and I will be footloose and fancy free.

6.  Diva loves a super cool cat named Tony.  I’m about to get hitched in September. Pretty cool, huh?

7.  Diva and her bridal party are going to trash our dresses immediately after the wedding/reception.  We haven’t quite figured out said method, but I’m sure it will include rescue scuba divers and a two story dock on Norris.   Zacque, grab your camera.  Mark, grab the scuba gear.

8.  I am an offical member of the Knoxville Zoo.  My Tyler is a lover of the camels, therefore, we venture to the zoological gardens often.  I figured out that it was going to be cheaper in the long-run to have a grandparent annual pass, so I could take the boy to see the animals anytime we want to go.


Diva chooses to tag the following kiddies:

Fracas (because she tagged me, paybacks are a bitch)

Mushy (because he drinks to everything)

And anyone else who’s bored and would like to do it.

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7 Responses to “I’ve Been Tagged by GirlieGeek”

  1. Sexy Like My Momma Says:

    very cute !!!!!
    you didnt say anything about me.
    luv ya

  2. Diva Says:

    Are you not one of my two kids?? Are there others I fell asleep, gave birth to and forgot about??

  3. Sexy Like My Momma Says:

    your so funny HAHHAHHAHHA
    luv ya

  4. Jewel Says:

    Trash thedresses? Woohoo! Will this involve, like, parachutes and sh*t?

  5. fracas Says:

    LOL Diva.. I’ll see your payback, but I might hafta raise you a tat.

  6. The fraccy 411 « fracas Says:

    […] 21st, 2007 Diva tagged me with the 8 random facts meme, and it made me remember that I still hadn’t done that meme […]

  7. Diva Says:

    Fraccin hoot.