Some Brilliant Cartoons

February 18th, 2008 at 10:51 pm by Mark
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     I stumbled into Robert Munroe’s treasure trove of talented ‘toons quite by accident, and can’t help but impressed.  Sure, some might seem a little obscure, maybe even a bit “geeky,” but what the Hell do you expect from a Physicist and Robotics Engineer? 😉

     Actually, he seems to be a remarkably talented evil genius:

     In case you didn’t get that one…

Pillow Talk

     And this remarkably astute piece is titled, “How it Works”:

How It Works

     Regardless, I think it’s clever stuff.  But then, some people consider me a little warped… Others consider me a lot warped… and a handful think I’m not warped at all.  The latter make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

     Check out for more.  😉

Tip: Courtesy of, by way of Paul Simer, by way of Les Jones.


3 Responses to “Some Brilliant Cartoons”

  1. Stushie Says:

    If you like cartoons that originate in Knoxville, try my site “Pushing the Envelope.” It’s a political cartoon site, mainly based on the shenanigans of the current presidential campaign.

  2. Diva Says:

    You ARE warped. And I’m dumb at math. Touche.

  3. BrentD Says:

    I love XKCD. I thought I was the only one in the state who did. I didn’t count on the warped contingent.

    Happy Thursday.