Too Many Twits

March 29th, 2009 at 12:35 am by Mark
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     When I rarely use Twitter, it’s pretty much only to toss out a sarcasm bomb or draw some minor attention to something not entirely unlike this:

     …which is, of course, kinda like saying, “I own, and play, an Xbox 360.  But I’m too cool for Gamestop.”

     Which … I am …

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One Response to “Too Many Twits”

  1. Dr. Dave Says:

    Like you, I use it only to tweet snark, or my blog posts. What I’m doing at work or in daily life, however, is about as interesting as Nadya Suleman’s birthing vid (unless my kids are spreading their insanity).

    Then again, this version’s pretty friggin’ hilarious:


    Dr. Dave