Posts Tagged with "detroit"

Shocking Half-time Show: Look Who Showed Up!

February 1st, 2015 at 8:16 pm by Mark
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Sorry, guys. Justin Timberlake will not be making a special, guest appearance during the halftime show…

Sorry, Detroit, I was wrong. A Lion did make it to the superbowl...

Cheer Up, BBC. WXYZ Doesn’t Know Flags, Either

February 11th, 2014 at 5:01 pm by Mark
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Like the BBC, who showed Team Ireland as Team India, this Sunday broadcast by an American TV News station only got forty percent of the world flags correct in their own report. Worse still, they failed to get their own country’s flag right…

But in their defense, 40% isn’t too bad, given that WXYZ News 7 is based in Detroit, Michigan, which is considered by many to be North Windsor, Ontario.

Detroit WXYZ News 7: Olympic Coverage with incorrect flags.

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