Posts Tagged with "justin bieber"

Some Hope for Bieber Fans

February 25th, 2014 at 5:28 pm by Mark
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Apparently, self-awareness and a modicum of maturity can help some of the most hopeless Justin Bieber fans.

Twitter User: "I'm done trying to defend justin ;( he's so stupid :( :("  Response: "The fall has begun."  Repsonse: "THEY'RE BECOMING SELF-AWARE."

Drunk Aliens

February 1st, 2014 at 7:55 pm by Mark
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The same could be said to Justin Bieber…

Go Home, Aliens.  You're Drunk.


Beiber: The Not-So Extreme Makeover

January 23rd, 2014 at 5:56 pm by Mark
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Given the news of Justin Beiber’s recent arrest — DUI, resisting arrest and driving without a valid license — you really have to wonder how the poor girl will do in jail.

Justin Beiber: Without and With Makeup

Justin Beiber in Fifty Shades of Grey?

October 2nd, 2012 at 6:03 pm by Mark
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If you’re supposed to believe NME, Justin Beiber has been approached to play Christian Grey. Surprisingly, he wasn’t up for the role of Anastasia Steele…

Stock Photos

Stop Making Fun of Justin Beiber!

September 1st, 2012 at 5:52 pm by Mark
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Justin Bieber is eighteen years old now — a grown woman, perfectly able to take care of herself.