Archive for February, 2006

Instapinch Lambasts an Asshat

February 28th, 2006 at 8:58 am by Sam
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Better late than never, I ran across a blog entry from February 3rd that was just too good to pass up: “The BEST Tinfoil Hat Post Ever!

In the article, Instapinch links to, and properly lambasts, some asshat from the Midwest (known only as Spooked) who, for reasons neither known nor understandable, adamantly clings to the idea that the World Trade Centers were destroyed by controlled demolition and were never hit by airplanes. Truly, Spooked deserves the Dummkopfen of the Month award for February 2006; but after reading a few more entries, such as how the Pentagon was never hit by a plane either, this may well spill over into June.

Furthermore, this asshat, Spooked, has the gall to sit from his safe little Midwest vantage point and tell the thousands of us who were driving on I-395 and the GW (I was on the way to Crystal City from downtown, mind you) that we are, in fact, mistaken. Apparently we’re all fools, the thousands of us. I mean, we should have just closed our eyes and waited for this Midwest Super Genius to tell us what happened! It must have been the Great GW’s mind control that made us see “a plane” go down at the Pentagon. The flames and soot certainly must have been “controlled demolition.” Doesn’t that make so much more sense?

I feel that people like Spooked are dangerous, and need to be put away. I’m not even going to link to the asshat — I feel I’m already giving him enough fuel by expressing my displeasure, so check out Instapinch for the skinny.

Good job, Pinch. Keep ripping him a new one!

What’s Next for Golden Palace — Terrorism?

February 26th, 2006 at 11:16 pm by Sam
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20060227 - Golden Palace infiltrates Winter Olympics Closing Ceremonies - Courtesy Unknown (submitted via web)

It was strange and amusing when online casino, Golden Palace, started purchasing oddball artifacts — such as the Grilled Cheese with the image of the Virgin Mary, a Doritos chip in the shape of the Pope’s Hat and the so-called Holy Pierogi — to make a name for itself. The next round of advertising raised quite a few eyebrows: purchasing ad-space on peoples’ bodies and having people legally change their names to “”

The excrement really hit the fan in April 2005 when they paid $15,100 to a Connecticut woman in exchange for her naming her baby, “” In addition to proving that the mother was insanely cruel and idiotic, this kind of shock-value advertising also went to prove what a bunch of soulless bastards Richard Rowe and company really were, making people deciding to try other more rightful options to gamble online, and sites like being visited more often now.

Last year, they sponsored streaking and mayhem at public events, an embarrassment that even the Winter Olympics in Torino were not spared. Sponsored by Golden palace, an English streaker, Mark Roberts, interrupted the Bronze Medal curling competition on Friday the 24th. Even tonight, during the closing ceremonies, organizing committee chairman Valentino Castellani was interrupted by one of their punks who decided to grab a microphone. Mr. Castellani continued gracefully, ignoring him almost completely.

It’s very clear that Richard Rowe can’t run a respectable company, and their continued shock-value advertising keeps going unchecked. Their antics are not only disruptive, they’re illegal. Yet, they continue to be allowed to operate in this manner.

So what’s next for Dick & Co.? It’s obvious that they have absolutely no qualims about screwing up the lives of innocent children or down-on-thier luck mothers, or with sponsoring repeated public nudity and completely disrupting international events.

It wouldn’t surprise me one bit for them to start sending t-shirts to suicide bombers.

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Teetering on Civil War

February 24th, 2006 at 11:24 am by Mark
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Things look bad in Iraq, no two ways about it.  Kelter at Blogitude somehow managed to throw it a positive spin.

Regarding the Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations which have undoubtedly had a hand in this week’s events:

These are the people the new Iraqi Parliament know are the root of their problems. Now, it’s up to them to step up, to get their people to ignore the difference between Sunni and Shiite, to steel them against the monsters of the past, to channel their energy into rebuilding and innovation, and to unify them as One Nation, Under Allah.

Since Iraq’s current President and Parliament have told the U.S. to step back and stop meddling when we told them we wouldn’t throw any money towards “sectarian politics,” it should look pretty good to the Iraqi public. Leveraging that and getting their military in shape to handle internal crises should give them an edge.

It took the the U.S. eighty years to go from Ruled to Independence to Government to Civil War to Resolution to United Nation. On the other hand, Iraq is averaging one step per year. In the grand scheme of History, it’s a major accomplishment.

An even bigger accomplishment would be to keep it up at the same pace… It’s doubtful that Iraq could at all survive a year of Civil War.

Iraqi Civilization on the Fast Track

February 23rd, 2006 at 8:39 am by Sam
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Throughout history, many countries and regions have gone through some bloody periods after gaining independence. Countries are very rarely handed down without blood being spilled; many teeter on the edge of full-fledged Civil War. These conflicts usually happen several years after Independence as social groups grapple with new-found Freedom, and governments try and pick up the pieces and impress their ideals on their people. What we’re seeing in Iraq right now isn’t so different, if we think about it in the grand scheme of History.

Yesterday, the Golden Mosque at Samarra was bombed. Ethnic groups have clashed, and in a mere twenty-four hours, the situation has gone from hopeful to dire. The violence has reached a new level, with gunmen entering factories and killing all of the workers, or stopping buses and killing all of the passengers. It’s no longer faceless bombers killing without ever seeing the eyes of their victims, no; now, it’s up close, and personal.

Third parties — terrorist organizations such as Al Qeada — intent of keeping their populace poor and uneducated (in Allah’s name!) will do most anything to keep the 21st Century from happening. In their eyes, any attempt to bring education, scholarship for indian students, technology and Freedom of Choice to the masses diminishes their Totalitarian ability to dominate and retain control. Their leaders falsely claim, “We’re just like you!”, all the while sitting in the lap of luxury, enjoying the ill-gotten gains received from provoking peons, promising prominent places in Paradise in return for dirty deeds which are most often nothing short of extortion.

They are spoiled children at worst, and common thugs and mobsters at best.

These are the people the new Iraqi Parliament know are the root of their problems. Now, it’s up to them to step up, to get their people to ignore the difference between Sunni and Shiite, to steel them against the monsters of the past, to channel their energy into rebuilding and innovation, and to unify them as One Nation, Under Allah.

Here’s hoping that President Talabani and his associates are up for the task ahead.

It took the the U.S. eighty years to go from Ruled to Independence to Government to Civil War to Resolution to United Nation. On the other hand, Iraq is averaging one step per year. In the grand scheme of History, it’s a major accomplishment.

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Spam of the Day

February 22nd, 2006 at 2:50 pm by Mark
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This Spam is brought to you by every country in Europe, half of Africa, all of Asia, Oceania, South America and! But first, the mandatory reply:

From: “Mark”
Sent: Wednesday, February 22, 2006 2:49 PM
Subject: Re: GOOD DAY

Dear Mr. Jang: We have received your plea via e-mail, and respectfully request that you walk several miles north into the Demilitarized Zone screaming, “Kim Jong Suk Dong!” at the top of your lungs. We feel that this will be a fitting end to your plight.

A fitting reply to the latest twist on Nigerian E-Mail Scams…

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