I Hate Mark Steel / I Love Mark Steel

April 26th, 2007 at 11:39 am by Mark
Tags: , , , , , , ,

     Something Kevin said the other day

Noticed in my stats today that one of the search phrases to get to the church was “I hate Mark Steel.” Look, you’re getting famous!

     — stuck with me, although as a humorous sidenote.  I loved it!

     I’ve also seen a sudden surge in Google searches for “i hate mark steel.”  I love that sort of thing.  I also saw several of the blogs from our blogroll in the top 30.  But, why all the hate?
     Alternatively, I decided to check out “i love mark steel,” to find that I’m actually ranked #26.  I hate that.  I didn’t see much familiar around there, either.  C’mon, where is the love, people?

     I mean, I’m not saying I’m the world’s smartest man or the greatest living American or anything like that… But I do have a reasonable amount of knowlege about how this stuff works.  😉

     This is all a joke to me, and this post is just a silly experiment.  I’ll post the outcome in a couple of days, as I think it might teach someone a little something about SEO…

     Besides, I’ve already labeled John Kerry as the World’s Smartest Man… albeit, sarcastically.  And the antidisestablishmentarian in me still believes Bill Gates is the greatest living American… 😉

[ UPDATE – 26-Apr-2007 @ 9:26PM EDT]

     THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about!  I moved up from #26 to #1 in less than 10 hours!  Now I’m #1 for “i love mark steel” and “i hate mark steel.”
     Now I feel balance!
     That’s SEO.  Thpft!


8 Responses to “I Hate Mark Steel / I Love Mark Steel”

  1. Mushy Says:


    I did a “I hate Mushy’s” and a “I love Mushy’s” and this is what popped up:


    Didn’t read it…afraid to!

  2. Tish Says:

    Darn it! That stat counter of yours catches me every time! I was only joking when I typed in, “I hate Mark Steel”. Seriously.

  3. Mark Says:

    Yeah, uh, smokers suck, eh? *evil grin*

  4. Jason Says:

    When people hate you, it just means you’re doing your job right!

  5. I Hate Mark Steel / I Love Mark Steel « fracas Says:

    […] 30th, 2007 I was reading this post over at Mark’s blog, and because I love to be a smart-ass, I decided that I needed to up my […]

  6. sam Says:

    If it helps, I haven’t developed an opinion either way. I wandered over here from Whore Church, which I’d recently discovered, when I saw that we live in the same town. I guess I’ll have to get back to you.

  7. » I Hate Mark Steel / I Love Mark Steel « fracas-My 1983 Says:

    […] was reading this post over at Mark’s blog, and because I love to be a smart-ass, I decided that I needed to up my […]

  8. » Hazel’s Top Ten Search Engine Terms « hazel8500-My 1983 Says:

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