Bloggers – Knoxville, Saturday Night, 6PM

May 17th, 2007 at 11:57 pm by Mark
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     Saturday Night, 6PM.  Barley’s in the Old City.  Come on down!

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5 Responses to “Bloggers – Knoxville, Saturday Night, 6PM”

  1. Tish Says:

    I can’t wait!

  2. Diva Says:

    I’ll try to talk Big T into coming out. He can be super quiet, but he may not be able not to BS with the BS’rs

  3. Doug McCaughan Says:

    Can’t make this one. Perhaps next time!

  4. Mushy Says:

    Maybe sometime you can have one on the west-end of town…it’s quite a drive from Harriman or to Harriman drunk!

    Looking forward to meeting you guys next time.

    I’m off to see Roger Waters in Hotlanta Tuesday…this old dog is gonna party!

  5. Mark Says:

    Hey, why not?

    Man, I so wish I going to see Roger Waters … time constraints suck!