H to the Piddy

October 17th, 2007 at 12:47 am by Mark
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     I am not, nor have I ever been, a fan of Harry Potter.

     Although, I have to admit, those movies were slightly more enjoyable than sitting through hours and hours of Lord of the Rings without so much as an intermission… Watching a movie is never fun coupled with excruciating kidney pain because you’re afraid you’ll miss something crucial or interesting (which, as it turns out, was pretty impossible with Fellowship of the Ring, anyway).

     (Blasphemy?  Yeah, maybe.  Sue me!)

     But while we’re on Rap…

     I really should go to bed…

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3 Responses to “H to the Piddy”

  1. serr8d Says:

    Harry Pothead?

  2. serr8d Says:

    On LOtR: did you run across this?

    Blasphemy, indeed…

  3. Mark Says:

    Oh, HELL YES! That’s brilliant!