Back on Track with the “Weird” Taste in Music

October 15th, 2009 at 7:12 am by Mark
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     While I’ve been spending practically the entire weekend trying to finish up a bunch of a music that’s been sitting around as unifinished projects for a few years, my music taste through the week has gotten a little … well, “Weird,” is what everyone tells me.

     Some of it came from playing a Fallout 3 on the Xbox 360, which features a rather kickass soundtrack from the 1940’s…

     Ya know, it’s pretty safe to say I would’ve bought the game for the soundtrack alone… but listening to it while scouring post-Apocalyptic Washington, DC makes it more than a little haunting.

     It’s even nicer when you get to do it for free, because someone hated the game and mailed it to ya…

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