Woman Falls in Fountain While Texting — And Sues

January 20th, 2011 at 6:59 pm by Mark
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Seriously, watch this:


Given that the now much-less-than-anonymous-but-was-before-she-opened-her-mouth-on-national-television Cathy Cruz Marrero of Reading, PA is going to sue because, “Nobody came to my aid,” and “There was nothing for me to hold onto,” then perhaps she should be able to reasonably explain some things …

Namely, why does she lift her leg before she goes in?  And why does she walk off, quickly, apparently needing no assistance whatsoever?  And … if it’s so embarrassing, then why embarrass yourself further by making a frivolous lawsuit over what is clearly a staged accident?

Can you say, “I hate my employers!” boys and girls?

I knew you could.

In any event, if you do have a specific case that’s valid and purely the fault of something or someone else, you ca consult a qualified lawyer to see how much you can claim in damages.

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