My Itchy Butt – Part Two!

June 7th, 2011 at 6:30 pm by Glenn
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Ok, ok. Enough with the itchy butt stuff, right? Wrong! This is going to turn into the longest running itchy butt blog on the Internet.

“It already is”, you say.

Well I’ll respond to that with: It isn’t long enough!

“But what else can you possibly say about your itchy butt?”

  1. That I am not sure why it itches as frequently as it does.
  2. That I am not sure why tags in underwear are designed the way they are.
  3. That I find it humourous that I scratched my ass on camera at John Wayne airport from the first to last gate. That’s right. I scratched my ass while walking all the way from one end of John Wayne to the other. Non-Stop. And after only 5 or 8 beers.
  4. That it was even funnier on the way back to gate 2 where my plane was departing from…
  5. After scratching at an itch for about 12 and a half minutes, it doesn’t itch much any more.

There is so much more to write… but as fate would have it… I’ve got to go change my boxers (suprised?) cuz there’s a funky itch where the tag is.

Ha! You thought I was going to say smell didn’t you?

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One Response to “My Itchy Butt – Part Two!”

  1. catscratch Says:

    Go buys some thong underwear. You’ll love it!