Archive for January, 2014

Got Snow?

January 28th, 2014 at 3:00 pm by Mark
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Apparently, Mother Nature is confused.

Welcome to Florida: The Sunshine State

Tip: Kimberly, via Facebook

Acceptable Online Discource: How to Punch Someone Out

January 27th, 2014 at 7:27 pm by Mark
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If you do decide to discuss Politics and Religion online, at least some people will be ever-so-helpful. 😉

Facebook Post: "Pro Tip: if something would get you punched out, told off, or arrested in person, it is not part of acceptable online social discourse, either. Please don't be one of the people who whine about political correctness but are just miffed because they acted like an asshat and somebody said mean things to them in response."  Comment 1: "amen"  Comment 2: "Amen."  Comment 3: "Pro tip: if you're going to punch someone out, align the knuckles of your first two fingers with your wrist and elbow and strike the opponent's cheekbone with the middle knuckle while keeping your elbow raised. This way, you increase the effective power, reduce the likelihood of breaking a knuckle and in the case of a miss, you can continue the momentum with a strike of the elbow."

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

How Does a Bill Work?

January 27th, 2014 at 5:15 pm by Mark
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Back in the 70’s, we had excellent educations regarding the Process of Government, thanks, in no small part to the uproar of the 60’s and some wonderful educational shorts by Schoolhouse Rock.

Regardless of which side of the political fence you’re on, the rules have certainly changed regarding two thirds majority. New points of order, Yea or Nay votes and special interests have completely clouded the Legislative process to the point that no one outside of Congress can make any sense of it.

Since the 80’s, I’ve always said, “Take stock in America — Buy a U.S. Senator!”

"How does a bill work?" "No one fucking knowws any more, Billy."

War Stimulus?

January 27th, 2014 at 3:47 pm by Mark
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With all the taxes, rampant inflation and pushes to cause even more small business failures, I say, why wait until next year? Washington should start fresh during their new session in 2014! When you are a vape fan and want the best vape out there, buy vaporizer pens here now.

2013: The war on drugs brough in more drugs and the war on terror created more terrorists. Maybe next year we can have a war on money and jobs and see where it goes.

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The Zombie Breakup

January 26th, 2014 at 7:03 pm by Mark
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As hardcore The Walking Dead fans are eagerly awaiting its return on February 9th, many other people are falling out of love with the entire Zombie genre.

Zombie Break Up: "I think we should eat other people."