Posts Tagged with "aliens"

Drunk Aliens

February 1st, 2014 at 7:55 pm by Mark
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The same could be said to Justin Bieber…

Go Home, Aliens.  You're Drunk.

Happiness 101: Make Your Problems Seem Insignificant

January 25th, 2014 at 7:06 pm by Mark
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No matter what you’re doing right now, you can be assured that one thing is absolutely certain.

Right now, out there, there is an alien taking a shit.

Stock Photos

Definitive Proof: “Crop Circles” Are Hoaxes

June 3rd, 2013 at 5:28 pm by Mark
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That some people continue to believe that crop circles are caused by Aliens makes an absolute mockery of common sense.

If we ever travel thousands of light years to a planet inhabited by intelligent life, let's just make patterns in their crops and leave...

What Worries Jayden Smith?

April 23rd, 2013 at 5:27 pm by Mark
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Jayden Smith may be worried about the possibility that his father’s — Will Smith’s — movie, “Independence Day,” is real…

What is Constantly Worrying Will Smith's Son?


Playing the Darwin Lottery in a Shallow Gene Pool

October 24th, 2006 at 3:47 am by Mark
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     Lately, I’ve taken the attitude that, “I absolutely do not give a damn.”  And I mean it.  It’s been a mind-altering, uplifting, emotionally freeing sort of change.

     One of the greatest gifts has been: laughter.

     Especially when I read crap like thisOr this.

     Or even this, from New Scientst…

Don’t say cloning, say somatic cell nuclear transfer [SCNT]. That at least is the view of biologists who want the term to be used instead of “therapeutic cloning” to describe the technique that produces cloned embryos from which stem cells can then be isolated.


Kathy Hudson and her colleagues at the Genetics and Public Policy Center in Washington DC asked more than 2000 Americans whether they approved of deriving stem cells from embryos produced by cloning. For half of the sample they used the term “SCNT” instead of “cloning”, and this raised approval ratings from 29 per cent to 46 per cent, Hudson told a meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics in New Orleans last week.

     Politically correct science?  What’ll they think of next?

     Regardless of what you call it, human cloning is little more than another way to speed up the process of destroying our already shallow gene pool.