Posts Tagged with "asshats"

Press Two for Deportation

November 18th, 2006 at 7:21 pm by Mark
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     The town of Pahrump, Nevada recently passed legislation to disallow the flying of foreign flags.  The Reuters article points out the reasons:

Supporters said they passed the measure to hit back at Hispanic demonstrators who carried Mexican flags when they marched in U.S. cities earlier this year to press for rights for 10 million to 12 million illegal immigrants living in the shadows.

“All of the illegal alien protesters are waving Mexican flags, and we just got tired of it,” town board clerk Paul Willis told Reuters in a telephone interview.

“This is the United States, and the Stars and Stripes should fly supreme,” he added.

     I’m with Emperor Misha from the Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler … The Art of Shunning has been lost in our Politically Correct Society:

I have no use for yet another group of entitlement-addicted, divisive assclowns who have no understanding of the words E Pluribus, Unum.

“Unum” does NOT mean “a collection of cliques, gangs and identity groups fighting over special privileges and handouts.”

Nobody is saying, at least I’m not, that you shouldn’t be proud of your cultural heritage. What I am saying is that if you want to be one of us, if you want to be part of the family, if you want for yourself and your family the privileges, rights and duties of being an American, then you have to be an American. You have to accept, welcome and internalize the fact that you’re an American first, and everything else second.

     Couldn’t’ve said it better myself.  

     But then again, maybe I already have said it better, given that I’m a bit closer to the situation.
     I brought my ex-wife to the U.S. from a foreign country.


     So… If they’re going to grant amnesty to illegals, waive all police clearances and language requirements, and give them all the rights of citizens, then I’ll agree with it, if and when my demands are met.

     I want back all the money that it cost me to get her here legally.  All of it!  Including the plane ticket!
     I want paid for the time involved in jumping through the immigration hoops that we had to jump through.  I had to take off work very often before the visa was granted, and then again after it was granted — to remove the Conditional Permanent Resident status.
     I also want a per-diem based on the fact that I was forced to stay longer in a foreign country than necessary while preparing for it all.  Ever try to get into a foreign consulate just after 9/11?  That was a pain in the rear even when I had an appointment.
     And … they can go ahead and grant her citizenship, just to show that they really mean it.  I mean, hey, we both jumped through all of those hoops.  It just seems like the right thing to do.

     Legal Immigration attempts to make sure that people are of decent moral character by checking their background with law enforcement agencies and making sure they’re not murderers, drug dealers, terrorists, rapists, slave traders, kidnappers and/or child molesters.
     We have enough of our own to deal with! 

     Legal Immigration also attempts to ensure that anyone coming to this country can speak our national language — English!
     I am an American.  I don’t want to press 1 for English!

     The whole issue really is this simple: You can’t go into your neighbor’s house and start rearranging the furniture because you don’t like it.

     How can anyone in their right mind argue with that?

Voting Shouldn’t Be Rewarded

November 7th, 2006 at 2:35 pm by Mark
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     From several sources, I heard about some educators giving extra credit for students who went out and voted.  I cannot understand why anyone would be so shallow, especially given their position as educators.  To me, it makes a farce of the entire process.
     The fact that we can vote, that we can have our say in electing our government, is one of our core Freedoms in this country.
     Regardless of the outcome of an election, voting is the reward!


     Another thing that’s getting on my nerves are these people who can go on and on about how things are being done, how things are running, how they could do better.
     “And did you vote?” I’d ask.
     “Then shut the Hell up.  Voting is what ensures our right to representation, so you gave up your right to complain when you didn’t take five minutes to go cast your ballot.”


     I’ve never been one for party politics, always voting for individual candidates and their stances on issues rather than taking a party-stance and voting down one side or the other.  But this go-round, the choice was clear.  One side had issues and resolutions, and the other side had nothing to do but bitch and complain.
     It was too fitting, as I left the polling area, to hear the “Emperor’s March” theme from Star Wars, and the voice of Vader saying, “Your journey to the Dark Side is now complete!”

     I was definitely relieved when I finally saw that the guy next to me was carrying a portable DVD player…

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Wannabe-King Kerry’s Komments

November 1st, 2006 at 1:41 pm by Mark
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     It’s been an interesting few days, and Halloween seemed just the sort of time to make fun of it.

     The infamous Kerry comments were as follows:

Your education, If you make the most of it, you study hard, and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq.

     Ummm… If a=b and b=c, then a=c (purty damn gud algebry for a public skool boy frum Tennessee, ain’t it?)… Then…

     John Kerry said Iraq was another Vietnam.

     John Kerry went on relentlessly about his service in Vietnam.


     John Kerry didn’t make the most of it, study hard, do his homework or make an effort.

     Thus we know the absolute truth: It wasn’t a NeoCon, Right Wing Conspiracy that caused Kerry to lose the election — it’s because he was a dumbass!

     Unlike our troops, who know the value of good humor:

Stuck In Irak

     I just love’s video

     Ack! Michelle Malkin and I must’ve been writing at the same time…  Of course, I was browsing for funny stuff on YouTube before hitting the “Publish” button…
     As for all the K’s in the title … it’s just an ode to Ben Cardin’s Maryland campaign against Black Republican Michael Steele. It’s amazing the depths the DNC will sink to and still try and pawn off allegations of Racism against their opponents.

Playing the Darwin Lottery in a Shallow Gene Pool

October 24th, 2006 at 3:47 am by Mark
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     Lately, I’ve taken the attitude that, “I absolutely do not give a damn.”  And I mean it.  It’s been a mind-altering, uplifting, emotionally freeing sort of change.

     One of the greatest gifts has been: laughter.

     Especially when I read crap like thisOr this.

     Or even this, from New Scientst…

Don’t say cloning, say somatic cell nuclear transfer [SCNT]. That at least is the view of biologists who want the term to be used instead of “therapeutic cloning” to describe the technique that produces cloned embryos from which stem cells can then be isolated.


Kathy Hudson and her colleagues at the Genetics and Public Policy Center in Washington DC asked more than 2000 Americans whether they approved of deriving stem cells from embryos produced by cloning. For half of the sample they used the term “SCNT” instead of “cloning”, and this raised approval ratings from 29 per cent to 46 per cent, Hudson told a meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics in New Orleans last week.

     Politically correct science?  What’ll they think of next?

     Regardless of what you call it, human cloning is little more than another way to speed up the process of destroying our already shallow gene pool.

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

So, I’m A Catty Bitch – Sue me!

October 20th, 2006 at 3:56 pm by Diva
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First, I have to say love is grand. Love is the greatest feeling in the world, especially if it is true love and the other person is the one you intend to spend your forever with. I will preach that day and night. I am indeed in love with the man I intend to spend forever with and I cherish him very much.

However, in a relationship (and my fiancee agrees) two people can still maintain relationships and friendships that were in place prior to the meeting of said significant other. Individual identity is what attracted you to that other person and that other person to you to begin with.

What is the point here? Well, the point is that just because I have found someone that I love, cherish and want to spend forever with, doesn’t mean I wish to cut the friends I had in my life before him out of it.
If nothing else, I wish for us to remain close. Yes, there will be less time out for me. No, I won’t attend every Wednesday night gathering. But IT IS NOT because my man doesn’t encourage it and IT IS NOT because I love my friends any less.

It is simply because I have a teenage daughter who really needs me to be home. It is because I sometimes get to steal a weekday with my fella and his kids.

Just because I’m not there all the time doesn’t mean that I don’t want to hear the stories about who did what, or in our case, see the photographic evidence.

Just because I’m not always there, doesn’t mean that I am turning my back on my friends. Just because I’m not always there doesn’t mean that any one of them can’t call me in the middle of the night to cry on my shoulder if they need to.

I am dedicated to spending my forever with HIM. I am very much in love. But my friends were the ones who cried with me when I was sad. They laughed with me when I was tickled about something. They are there through thick and thin. I love them and I will always want to hear the sappy dating drama (tales) and I won’t just be smiling a fake freaking smile and shaking my nappy freaking head acting like I care. I will be listening intently, most likely holding my gut from laughing so hard and truly caring about what words are passing from my friends’ mouth to my ears.

Ok, now specifically to you, the one who pretended to be our friends. Who the hell do you think you are? Seriously? Do you think you’re high, mighty and perfect?

These girls all befriended you when you had nothing but extra belly fat.
No, girl, see this one loud and clear…. YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE ANY OF US.

At least I’ve heard that’s what you said….


1. Friends don’t molest someone else’s man. There were plenty of occassions that you blatently stuck your tongue down the throat of a taken man. Granted, Ron was not mine… but the other man in question was a claimed man. You had no respect for boundaries and no respect for your girlfriends.

WHICH SHOWS YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE ANY OF US because there is not a single one of us who would look twice let alone deep throat one of the other girl’s boyfriend.

Just not kosher… not acceptable….

2. Friends don’t just quit talking to friends. If nothing else, when a happy event such as an impending wedding or pregnancy is on deck, I would think a girl would want her friends close by.

WHICH SHOWS YOU ARE NOTHING LIKE ANY OF US because I would be honored for all of my friends and family to be there when I say I do.

Either you didn’t want us getting close to your man because you know that paybacks are a bitch… or you were horrified that if you let him speak to us, that he would find out about your legendary exploits on the skank side.

Hmmmm….. go figure. Everybody pulls a drunk now and then… get over it. Hey, Dorothy…….