Posts Tagged with "dell"

Sick of Adele Songs Yet?

April 27th, 2013 at 5:44 pm by Mark
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Adele’s song, “Rolling in the Deep,” is case in point where commercial radio plays the same song over and over so often that people become physically ill at the mere mention of it, or the name of the artist who sang it.

It's a Dell --- Rolling in the Deep

Department of Dell-fense

January 31st, 2007 at 2:55 pm by Mark
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     You won’t believe this

…the Dell rep shows up and goes to work, and all goes well. … As he’s walking out the door, he says “by the way, it looks like the hard drive they (Dell) sent you wasn’t a new one …”

Dell actually gave me a hard-drive straight from the Department of Defense.

     Un-freaking-believable.  This means that, at some point, one of three things occurred:

  • A Dell rep walked out of a DoD facility with a hard drive, ignoring the usual disposal procedures
  • A DoD employee sent their laptop to Dell, ignoring the usual disposal procedures
  • The DoD upgraded a series of leased laptops, ignoring the usual disposal procedures

     A little over a week ago, a law enforcement official called me to hack into a seized notebook.  In under thirty seconds, I found the Administrator account (they had changed it — just like the DoD does), erased its password and reset the account protection on the file system.  I then logged into Safe Mode as the Administrator, deleted the passwords on the client accounts, handed it back to said law enforcement official and said, “Have fun with that.”  I got my $125, and went my merry way.

     Sure, not everyone can do it that quickly, but I know there are plenty of people out there who are perfectly capable of doing what I did.  Distributing Department of Defense hard drives to people with that kind of know-how could certainly be a serious risk to National Security.

     In my book, at least three people need to be held accountable for that kind of screw up.

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