Wow, I’ve Saved a Ton of Money…
March 22nd, 2010 at 11:29 am by MarkTags: bad parenting, facebook, humor, sarcasm, sex
For all of you people who keep cutting and pasting silly status messages on Facebook, MySpace or other Social Networking sites attempting raise awareness about miscellaneous things which may or may or may not be serious, I submit the following original — by yours truly — for your consideration:
Please copy and paste this to your status if you know someone, or have been affected by someone, who knows someone or has been affected by someone. People who know someone or have been affected by someone affect the lives of many. There is still no known cure for knowing someone or affecting someone, except perhaps never having existed, but we can raise awareness!
Now, all of you people who do not exist, please stop trying to f#$*ing add me on Facebook.
Thank you. Drive through.
So I’m sitting down to play another friggin’ boring game of Call of Duty: World at War on the Xbox 360. I hate that game. I truly do. I play it because a few friends drag me in, and tonight, I decided try and improve my gamer score a little.
But no bones about it, I hate the game. It’s laggy-slow. It commandeers bandwidth worse than the porn-hungry neighbor who “stealz ur internets.” The glitches and screen artifacts pretty much screw up any chance of having a decent experience playing the game in multiplayer mode. The bug reporting mechanism to the manufacturer, Treyarch, pretty well leaves you open to be bashed and belittled by the game’s developers for even having the balls to open your mouth about their precious turd.
And if friends would stop playing it, so would I. Which is why I’m looking forward to Infinity Ward’s release next month: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, because Treyarch, and their patheticly overdone World War II scenarios, can suck my left nut, right nut and anus. Or, better yet, Brandon’s anus…
So anyway … About an hour ago, I was abruptly disconnected from Xbox LIVE for an update. It took a several minutes.
“Okay, WTF?”
My Xbox restarted, downloaded a few more updates. Restarted again.
By 10PM EST, I was back online, with a new tab in my dashboard.
“Xbox Preview.”
Ahh, looking around… Facebook? Check. Twitter? Check. Zune Video Marketplace? Check. Xbox LIVE News? Check. MSNBC? Check. Dillbert? Check. The New Yorker Cartoons? Check. Well… if you can call it that.
Yep … all working … trippy … so I send out a couple of test messages on Twitter, update my Facebook status, browse friends and leave a couple comments…
Then I start screwing around with the absolute worst interface ever: The app seriously sucks. I can’t even explain “why” it sucks, except to say, you’ll have to experience the suckiness yourself to understand. Basically, if you’re looking for something easy to use, sensible, start a channel and add music to it, you’re pretty well going to be in “WTF?” land for a while.
That aside … It’s still a bunch of neat new toys. If you’d like to sign up for the “next generation” Xbox 360 Dashboard, go and register. And get one of these, because you’re gonna need it…
Why, now, I can see when this Brandon twit decides to Tweet that he’s going to take a crap … without having to log into my PC … *rolls eyes*