Posts Tagged with "media"

BBC News Reports Team Ireland is Team India

February 11th, 2014 at 3:20 pm by Mark
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Someone needs to give the BBC a lesson in geography and country flags.

BBC News: "India Olympics Ban Lifted After New Officials Elected"  Photo caption: "India's team at the London 2012 Olymics"

Tip: Rob Watson, via Facebook

American Journalists Still Complaining in Sochi

February 6th, 2014 at 7:57 pm by Mark
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Today, journalists in Sochi, Russia for the opening of the Winter Olympics are complaining about all of the shirtless photos of Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin. They apparently do not realize that Vladimir Putin is what happens when James Bond gets one of his villains pregnant and the child grows up to kick both their asses.

Vladimir Putin Riding Bear.  "Liberty. American may have right bear arms. But Soviet Russian have right to whole bear."

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Best of Craigslist Nominee — on Twitter

February 5th, 2014 at 7:39 pm by Mark
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Someone needs to inform Yahoo Sports correspondent Dan Wetzel that Twitter is not Craigslist. And that’s too bad, because I’d definitely promote this to Best of Craigslist.

Twitter @DanWetzel: "To anyone in Sochi: I am now in possession of three light bulbs. Will trade for a door handle. This offer is real:"

Is Sochi Ready for Winter Olympics?

February 5th, 2014 at 5:01 pm by Mark
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Two days before the opening ceremonies for the Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics, media have descended on Sochi like a plague of locusts. The majority of journalists are staying at the brand new Sochi Hotel, built specifically for the event, however, it is still under construction. I’m sure you can imagine the wave of complaints coming from what appear to be some rather sheltered — if not spoiled — Americans. (#FirstWorldProblems #NeverBeenOutsideTheCountry)

Even still, one has to wonder. Is Sochi ready for the Winter Olympics?

According to Moscow-based ABC News correspondent, Kirit Radia, no.

Twitter @KiritRadia: "Construction debris hidden behind a #Sochi is ready for Olympic records" banner. #Sochi2014"  Pic: Construction debris.

He gets a little right-to-complain given that he’s based in Russia…

Twitter @KiritRadia: "Seems to sum it up 2 days before the Opening Ceremony. #Sochi2013 (@reuters photo)"  Pic: Construction Debris in front of Sochi 2014 Sign

But at the same time, we’ve seen over and over how ingenious — and fast — Russians can be, especially given it’s the eve of the Winter Olympics and the world’s eyes are on them.


“Your Name is What?” Australian Edition

January 15th, 2014 at 1:00 pm by Mark
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The United States doesn’t corner the market on sexual innuendos for names, as proven by this Australian. You have to wonder — was it really his name, or did he just want to show how naïve the media can be?

Pick the Right Name so Your Child Won't Hate You: Jack Mehoff, North Bundaberg Resident