Snubbed by Instapundit

February 12th, 2007 at 10:18 pm by Mark
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     Thanks, Glenn.  Appreciate ya.  *rolls eyes in faux disgust*  😉

     Met up with some cool people for Blogfest on Saturday night:

     Oh, and Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds … *snicker*

     Had a few laughs … Had a few Porters … Had a few more laughs … And then … Met up with some more friends … Had a few more Porters … And laughs … and continued to the next venue(s).

     At some point during the night, I actually turned off my phone and left it in the car, because the business calls were really bringing me down after what had already been a long, long, long, long day.  Four business calls per hour gets old on a Saturday night…


     Having just read Rich Haily’s blog in its entirety, I wish to clarify something:

Present but not blogging were Les Jones and his wife Melissa, and Mark Steel.

     I submit that I am not the wife of Les Jones.  I have not, nor will I ever be, married to Les.  Nor has anyone ever, ever called me “Melissa.”  I am also sure that Les is not from Utah, nor Massachusetts.
     That said, however, Les and I do have more in common than most of my recent dates, such as mutual affections for Star Wars, Firearms and making fun of the Dixie Chicks.  *snicker*


3 Responses to “Snubbed by Instapundit”

  1. Glenn Reynolds Says:

    Hey, sorry. We passed around a signup sheet for names and blogsites, and you weren’t on it. Didn’t mean to leave you out.

  2. Reality Me » The Best Blogfest Write-up! Says:

    […] wife, Melissa, filled in (I hugged his wife and he was probably packing!). Pulling up the rear was Mark Steel who enjoyed Tuckaleechee Porter until closing. [Hopefully I covered everyone. This paragraph should […]

  3. SayUncle » More blogfest blogging Says:

    […] Blogitude feels snubbed. Though I met him, I couldn’t recall the blog name when I got home. Sorry about that. […]