Hotties of Blogdom

February 27th, 2007 at 2:34 am by Mark
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     It was smart-ass-ness that made me do it.

     New Blogroll section at right… 😉

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6 Responses to “Hotties of Blogdom”

  1. Sweet Pirate Diva Says:

    Oh for heaven’s sake, Mark!!!

    I can’t believe you didn’t sling the hotties that read, love and comment your blogs in their own Blogroll section.

  2. Mark Says:

    *sticks out tongue!* I did. But for Pirate Chicks, it’s kinda hard to link to MySpace blogs these days. 😉

  3. fracas Says:

    Holy Frac. Me, on a list of Hotties.

    You’re my favorite person now Mark. Just think… and it’s all because you sat on a toilet seat and fathered Dannielynn.

    It’s a wonderful world.

  4. Mark Says:

    BWAHAH … I’m guessing you didn’t notice the prior comment on that blog. lol

  5. Oh ... Really? Says:

    […] Holy beer goggles, Batman! I nearly spat my diet Coke all over my monitor. That’s twice today … and I can’t decide which is more hi-larious …

    Ohmuhgawd … moi? Hottie? I’m about ten years to the bad side of any sort of hottie-ness. […]

  6. fracas Says:

    Okay, so now I have to admit that not only am I (like Oh… Really?) also on the bad side of any hottie-ness, I didn’t see the prior comment on that blog so don’t even get to BWAHAHA. I’d like to chalk it up to being blonde, but since I’ve got a picture at fracas, I can’t even do that.

    I think I’ll go with “It’s those hot flashes.”