Have Your Cake, and Eat It, Too!

April 16th, 2007 at 1:25 am by Mark
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     Now, it’s not that I ever wanna get married again, or that I think I’ll develop a desire for dessert, since I’ve never really had one… but, ummm…

     Forget edible underwear … SugarVeil® Confectionery Products has certainly come out with a sweet twist on candy-coating.  Their patented icing does present some most pleasurable, if not palatable, possibilities…
     Would you believe that this wedding dress is made completely of cake icing?


     I can’t help but imagine the epicurean escapades that might follow…

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One Response to “Have Your Cake, and Eat It, Too!”

  1. Diva Says:

    Back away from the wedding dress, Lardbutt….hahahaha.
    Charming, simply charming!