
April 19th, 2007 at 9:22 am by Diva
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Mother-in-Law. Those three words hyphenated together have somehow become the monster in the closet. Simple meaning from the dictionary: mother of one’s spouse.

If it were only that simple, huh?

Granted, I am a Mother-in-Law now that my beautiful, eldest daughter has taken that plunge into marital bliss. *eyes rolled waaay back into the head*

Presently, my view is that I am the most wonderful, giving, caring, patient, non-homicidal mother-in-law out there. I do it for my baby girl. Otherwise I’m sure I’d be a horn sprouting, pitchfork shaking monsters hiding and waiting for that boy to come around screw something up.
But, not me. I assure you.

My ex-husband’s mother was the devil reincarnated in female form. I kid you not. She was scary right down to the evil glint in her eye and forked tongue. She would aspire to purposely make me feel like I was treading on thin ice. That was generally verbal. But did she stop there? No, she is Korean. Everything she would cook was flavored up with just about enough fresh chopped red-pepper to kill a two ton rhino. “Takey Diva some that”.

Sure, thanks. Let me get right on eating that. I love my gastrointestinal tract to be lit up enough that when I fart, I shoot flames across the room.

Looking back, I should have taken it as a sign. He has never, nor will he ever be anything but a mama’s boy. She buys his pants, his shirts, he boxers and socks. She does his laundry. No wonder the man moved back in with her when before the ink on our divorce papers was even dry.

What kind of man was she raising? I’m not all to sure about it, but I know she was in definite competition with me for his affection.

Good for her though. I got out of having to wash his vine ripened socks.

The above thoughts bring me to the following point, which was inspired by my favorite rag-mag.

Could one actually live with one’s mother-in-law on a more or less permanent basis??

I for one, would never even consider living with my significant other’s mother. Even if she was an angel just like me, I couldn’t do it. Two alpha-females in one house is a design for disaster.

I’m just glad to know that Tom and Katie are going through it too. Tom’s mom and other family members all live in the house with the happy couple.

Is Katie going to be able hang on?? She has to deal with Mr. Cruise, and his mother.

My thought is: No way!! I give them another year at the most if THE MOTHER IN LAW doesn’t get the boot.

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4 Responses to “Mother-In-Laws”

  1. Alora Says:

    Is it possible to divorce a son-in-law? Really. Help – I’m at my wit’s end!My son-in-law, a music teacher, and his mother, a minister’s wife hate me. My daughter met him on eHarmony and he was from the opposite U.S coast. I am terminally ill and complained to my daughter in the beginning (2004) that she would move there also and I would become too ill to travel (I am doing much better right now but very sad and that is bad for my health). She said she would never move. They married in 2006 and moved. They had a baby in July that we have seen 3 times. I don’t understand what happened to our daughter – she is a totally different person – cold, uncaring. We are all Christians but on a trip to see them while I could still travel, he blew up and called me names and said he would never be my friend. I found out that he had been talking behind my back to his mother and then realized why she never returned calls or emails or wanted to talk to me and that hurts me because I always saw myself as part of a family team working together to create a loving family environment. Now she calls my daughter like clockwork every week but my daughter will call me only ever 2-3 weeks, if that and if I call she either ignores my call or tells me she does not have time to talk. Her mother-in-law is courting her and my daughter loves the attention, I believe. I retired after my diagnosis but when she asked for $126,000 to attend a private college and even though it was all I had in retirement I gave it to her because she said she would be a doctor and pay me back. I was so happy to help her. I took out an additional load for $13,000 she was to pay and she told me after she met her husband they were not going to pay me back and that he said it is a parent’s job to send their children to college (she is not a doctor). She then asked for more money for a fancy wedding back east which we paid for. Now I have no retirement fund left and no daughter and no grandchild. To top it off I am hated and disrespected by my son-in-law and his family. I tell you it hurts so bad I just want to earlier than my prognosis. They are in our town staying with friends for Christmas right now. They call and say they are coming over with the baby then don’t show. Do you know how badly it hurts to be treated this way? My bible study group at church is praying with me and that is keeping me afloat spiritually but I’m just about to give up and ask the Lord to take me home. My heart is broken and I don’t know what to do anymore.

  2. Mark Says:

    Most all families are dysfunctional in varying degrees. You can’t bend someone else to your will, and no amount of prayer and Bible study will help you do that — it doesn’t work that way. The best you can do is take responsibility for your part, attenpt to see things from the other side, forgive, find your own peace, and have faith that everyone else will do the same.

  3. Alora Says:

    Thanks, Mark – excellent advice and usually that’s the way I live but sometimes it’s just tough to do!

  4. Give Me My Friggin Fortune Cookie, Dude! « Diva’s Ranting Again Says:

    […] Now I don’t know if I’m just traumatized from being married to a man who’s mother and all of h… All the while they are looking at you, nodding their heads, laughing and smiling as the chatter […]