May 21st, 2007 at 4:04 pm by Norton
Tags: asshats, bigotry, christianity, fred-phelps, hate, hate-crime, religion

While this guy isn’t specifically saying that God Hates, this is the sort of asshat the pisses me off. This guy and the others that infest public events, spouting that God Hates Fags, liberals, republicans, muslims, all pique my ire.
Assuming for a moment that God is real and not some made up fiction used to perpetuate wars and get rich, how can anyone with bad penmanship and poor social skills claim to know the mind of God? Are they really so enlightened to understand their god so well that they can vouch for his complete and utter hatred of a given group of people?
So for all you people who think god hates people, GOD HATES YOU TOO!
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May 21st, 2007 at 2:37 pm by Mark
Tags: humor, sarcasm, sociology, tourette-syndrom, video
May 21st through May 25th is Tourette Syndrome Awareness Week in Australia. Classified as a neurological disorder, Tourette Syndrome is a serious problem for many people, who should definitely assist to the gbm clinical trials if they are diagnosed wit it. Sufferers of Tourette’s often acquire serious — and some cases, debilitating — facial “tics” which can affect their speech, eyes and even breathing. Others may make strange, or even obscene, utterances at random intervals which others may find rude, vulgar or in bad taste.
Unfortunately, people who suffer from Tourette’s are often shown disdain by others for a condition which they clearly cannot help. They are often stigmatized by their affliction, and may, in turn, develop additional mental issues such as anxiety, depression or antisocial behavior.
If we were celebrating Tourette Syndrome Awareness Week in the United States, I would f#!*ing go to our local f#!*ing Health Department and get a f#!*ing stack of those f#!*ing flyers about f#!*ing Tourette’s Awareness Week and f#!*ing pass them out in order to f#!*ing educate some f#!*ing people.
In f#!*ing honor of this f#!*ing prestigous event, I present, “The Big Lebowski: The F#!*ing Short Version” (language alert):
Tip: Les Jones for the information, which reminded me of the video, and the fact that I’m a smart ass
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May 21st, 2007 at 1:51 pm by Diva
Tags: dating, estrogen, humor, sarcasm, stupidity, weight-loss
Seriously, kids, I don’t make this crap up. But I absolutely love that people say such stupid things. I find it amazing that people really come off with such utterly ignorant blurbs. In addition to giving me something to blog about, it usually amuses me greatly. And boy, did this one amuse me…
Part Deux
***Tan fat is so much prettier than white fat***
I literally did a double take at the skank standing next to me as I was checking into the tanning bed this Saturday past. It took everything in me not to fall over in the floor and gut laugh. What?!?! Tan fat?
Hello, sweetheart. I’m here tanning, too. And I’ll be honest. I see nothing pretty about tan fat as opposed to white fat. Seriously, if you are fat, then you have fat rolls, say like a Shar Pei puppy, right?
Let me help you get a visual on this one, sister. Do you really think that having tan parts intermingled with the white fat rolls is pretty?
God bless the stand-up tanning bed, you can put your arms up in the air and alleviate those pesky white spots.
Yup, yup. Chalk another one up to one of the lamest things I’ve ever heard.
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May 21st, 2007 at 12:14 pm by Mark
Tags: amusements, cartoon, death, friends, humor, pirates, southpark, susan-shelley
Because it was exactly three months ago …
And everyone who knew her will know exactly who this is …

( I close my eyes, remember her, and die laughing — that’s the way it should be *grin* )
Cheers, babe. Miss ya.
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May 19th, 2007 at 5:20 pm by Mark
Tags: amusements, cartoon, friends, humor, pirates, southpark, television
Ever wonder what you’d look like if you were a character on Southpark?
Yeah, me, either…

But that is certainly me. 😉 Click it make your own — you know you wanna!
Tip: Tish at The Kat House
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