Never Forget Nirodh

December 28th, 2007 at 10:51 am by Mark
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Nirodh will be very important on New Years Eve.

No, not Nimrod — Nirodh.

WTF is Nirodh, you’re asking?

This educational video from Hyderabad, India expains it all…


In retrospect, “Nimrod” might apply, too.  And no, I wasn’t being punny — jeez, get your mind outta the gutter, will ya?

But … I think the pink one is gay, especially at 04:18…

Tip: Zacque, actually… but he didn’t wanna post it.  Ahh, but then he did.  Then… Who knows.

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3 Responses to “Never Forget Nirodh”

  1. Mushy Says:

    They make you numbrod too…but I suppose it’s worth it.

  2. Mark Says:

    Yeah, that was exactly the pun I was resisting… heh… Damn gutterminds!

  3. Zacque Says:

    Fortune Cookie: You remain happy without HIV/AIDS…