Obama Thinks We’re All Idiots

October 31st, 2008 at 1:09 pm by Mark
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     Barack Obama thinks we’re all idiots, and if we believe his bullshit, then we are.

     This morning, to the applause of his supporters, I heard both him and Al Gore go on about how he “voted against the war Iraq.”

     How the Hell could Obama have voted against the war in Iraq when he only came into office in 2005?

     And surely Paul Street and I are not the only people who remember that not only did Barack Obama support the war in Iraq, he wasn’t “ruling out the nuclear option” even though we have to “pull out now.”  Pull out now, give up, and nuke the place, huh?

     There’s some great foreign policy…

     And right now, with the WORLD economy in upheaval, foreign policy is just a little more important than our current problems, because a bit of diplomacy and trade might be a damn good way to pull us out of recession and restore the American people’s faith in our dollar…


One Response to “Obama Thinks We’re All Idiots”

  1. fracas Says:

    I thank you for providing this one refuge where I, the lone Canadian who does not think Obama is Jesus Christ, can come to and feel safe.

    I have some good Obama posts to post. Couldn’t do so the last few days… was busy being a victim of real life cut and paste. 😉