Posts Tagged with "al-gore"

Mis-Use of Internet Memes

May 4th, 2012 at 5:56 pm by Mark
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The widespread misuse of Internet Memes has become a trend of its own. Given that there is so little information about the sources of said memes, incorrect information is constantly represented as fact with footnotes to prove the falsifications. In the immortal words of Abraham Lincoln:

“The trouble with quotes on the Internet is that you can never know if they are genuine.”

Personally, I blame Al Gore, since he invented the Internet.

Obama Thinks We’re All Idiots

October 31st, 2008 at 1:09 pm by Mark
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     Barack Obama thinks we’re all idiots, and if we believe his bullshit, then we are.

     This morning, to the applause of his supporters, I heard both him and Al Gore go on about how he “voted against the war Iraq.”

     How the Hell could Obama have voted against the war in Iraq when he only came into office in 2005?

     And surely Paul Street and I are not the only people who remember that not only did Barack Obama support the war in Iraq, he wasn’t “ruling out the nuclear option” even though we have to “pull out now.”  Pull out now, give up, and nuke the place, huh?

     There’s some great foreign policy…

     And right now, with the WORLD economy in upheaval, foreign policy is just a little more important than our current problems, because a bit of diplomacy and trade might be a damn good way to pull us out of recession and restore the American people’s faith in our dollar…

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Al Gore’s Son Inhales

July 5th, 2007 at 11:28 pm by Mark
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In a surprise move yesterday, July 4th, 2007, 24-year-old Al Gore III proved that he’s more honest than his father, Al Gore, Jr.  Apparently excercising his own form of “independence,” the privileged pothead was pulled over and arrested for driving more than 100mph, and for possession of Marijuana and a number of other drugs… While high…It could have not just lead to him being hurt but also could be the end to the other drivers near him. Click here to read more if you want to know what to do after such reckless drivers cause an accident.
The Al Gore, Jr., camp quickly came to the rescue, offering the explanation that the entire thing is a pubilicity stunt to show people that the hybrid-electric Toyota Prius can be driven at excessive speeds, therefore making it a reliable and viable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered combustion engines, all the while getting 55mpg.

Apparently, Al Gore, Jr., thinks the rest of us are as full of shit as he is.

It’s also worth noting the fact that a 1981 Subaru 1600DL would get 52mpg, and the 1997 Chevrolet Cavalier with the 1.8 OHC would get 49mpg, without all the excess hybridization… Those are actual mileages from real-time, personal experience.
Instead of burning a little gas, Al Gore would have us all drive cars which are put together with numerous refined gases and petrochemical products.  This, of course, shows a need for more petrochemical refineries and plastic manufacturing plants, in addition to the astounding increase in global energy usage to manufacture things “a new way.”
So, ummm, isn’t that certainly worse for emissions than a few more gas-guzzling SUV’s…?  All so that we can add a measly 5-8mpg?
Am I missing something, or does the math not work?  Shouldn’t we be doing better?

Can you say Voodoo Economics, boys and girls?

I knew you could.

Tip: Les Jones at his new blog, Rock Stars Against Live Earth.