Kiss of Life

August 6th, 2011 at 11:00 am by Mark
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When later informed of the tragedy, Larsen’s girlfriend replied, “Umm, you’re still doing it wrong” …

Fireman giving 'kiss of life' accidentally inhales kitty, Gannett Rochester Newspapers.  "A brave fireman was rushed to the hospital for injuries suffered in the line of duty after he swallowed a tiny kitten while trying to revive it with the kiss of life," the "Sun" reports in its Sept. 7 issue.  Firefighter Steve Larsen, 34, was inside a burning warehouse near Stockhold, Sweden, when he found a 6 ounce kitten gasping for air. "He ran over and started to do CPR on the kitten," Fire Chielf Harald Thorenson is quoted as saying. "I was standing right next to him and the next thing I knew, he gulped real hard and swallowed the animal." The kitten did not survive, but animal rights activists plan to honor Larsen.

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