Posts Tagged with "picture"

Why Netflix is Splitting Itself in Two

September 21st, 2011 at 1:00 pm by Mark
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After the last few months of rate hikes and the new decision by Netflix to split its DVD rental business away into a separate business called “Qwikster,” the blogosphere is rife with criticism. Some critiques, however, are more spot on than others…

Why Netflix is Splitting Itself In Two: A Cartoon by The Oatmeal

Things Could Always Get Worse

August 7th, 2011 at 9:00 pm by Mark
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Of course, given this case, a bad day would purely depend on your perspective.

The next time you're having a bad day, imagine this: You're a Siamese Twin.  Your brother, attached at your should, is gay.  You're not.  He has a date coming over tonight.  You only have one ass.

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Kiss of Life

August 6th, 2011 at 11:00 am by Mark
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When later informed of the tragedy, Larsen’s girlfriend replied, “Umm, you’re still doing it wrong” …

Fireman giving 'kiss of life' accidentally inhales kitty, Gannett Rochester Newspapers.  "A brave fireman was rushed to the hospital for injuries suffered in the line of duty after he swallowed a tiny kitten while trying to revive it with the kiss of life," the "Sun" reports in its Sept. 7 issue.  Firefighter Steve Larsen, 34, was inside a burning warehouse near Stockhold, Sweden, when he found a 6 ounce kitten gasping for air. "He ran over and started to do CPR on the kitten," Fire Chielf Harald Thorenson is quoted as saying. "I was standing right next to him and the next thing I knew, he gulped real hard and swallowed the animal." The kitten did not survive, but animal rights activists plan to honor Larsen.

Stupid Math Tricks: The Movie Test

August 6th, 2011 at 4:00 am by Mark
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This one also knows when you’re lying.

Movie Test. Try this test. Scroll down and do the quiz as it instructs and find out what movie is your favorite. It really works! This amazing math quiz can likely predict which of the 18 films you would enjoy the most. Don't ask me how. Pick a number from 1-9. Multiply by 3. Add 3. Multiply by 3 again. Now add the two digits together to find your predicted favorite movie in the list of 18 movies below. Mine was "Star Wars" - exactly right! So be honest, and do it before you scroll down to see the list below. It's easy and it works. Now look up your number in the list below... 1. Gone with the Wind. 2. E.T. 3. Beverly Hills Cop 4. Star Wars 5. Forrest Gump 6. The Good, The Bad and the Ugly 7. Jaws 8. Grease 9. The Joy of Anal Sex With a Goat 10. Casablanca 11. Jurassic Park 12. Shrek 13. Pirates of the Caribbean 14. Titanic 15. Raiders of the Lost Ark 16. Home Alone 17. Mrs. Doubtfire 18. Toy Story  It is really amazing, isn't it?


Real Estate Agent Fail

July 27th, 2011 at 8:00 am by Mark
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This could be easily explained by saying that he stayed at this hotel

Dick Payne: First National Real Estate