Archive for March, 2013

Japan vs. America: Hellno Kitty

March 21st, 2013 at 9:02 pm by Mark
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While the Japanese emphasize “cute” and “happy” with Hello Kitty, Americans do tend to emphasize the negative with “Grumpy Cat” and “Hellno Kitty.”

Hello Kitty?  Hellno Kitty.

Lacking in the Romance Department?

March 20th, 2013 at 5:52 pm by Mark
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Strangely enough, I’ve seen it both ways. When posting images on the Internet, context definitely counts…

Rose Petals Leading to the Bed: "Wish someone was romantic enough to do this for me, just once." "I thought those were bloodstains." "There are two kinds of people..."

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Pope Francis Condemned by God?

March 19th, 2013 at 5:39 pm by Mark
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If the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden was the symbol of knowledge and freewill, and the average Apple product is connected to all the knowledge of mankind with a “Think Different!” moniker, then I’d say the new Pope is f@#$ed…

Zach: "The Pope tweeted from an iOS device, your move android."  Grame: "God chose wisely." Zach: "In Apple we trust."  Chris: "That's some bad news for the Pope 'cause the last time Adam and Eve used an Apple without God's permission, shit didn't end well."  IT'S TRUE!

New Candles at WalMart?

March 18th, 2013 at 5:34 pm by Mark
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I think these candles at WalMart might be new, but I’m not really sure…

WalMart Candles: NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW! NEW!

Stock Photos

Pretty Sure This is a Repost…

March 17th, 2013 at 5:57 pm by Mark
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There’s little worse you can do on a blog than post something you or another author has already made a post about.

Pretty Sure This is a Repost...