Author Archive for Zacque

As a photographer and logistician out of the East Tennessee, I spread my world view liberally. I'm simply pointing out, when things go wrong, go silly, or when they make no sense. I may be an optimist, but sometimes the truth needs to slap you and if I can help you laugh at it I will!

What Does Body Language Have to Do With It?

October 13th, 2008 at 11:00 pm by Zacque
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While the History Channel and CBS specials are showing on body language, I would like to offer a video which does not focus on political figures.  Rather it centers on actually reading body language in a much more informal setting.

(tip: Lilith Monkey)

So with this bit of information after watching the History Channel program you might say that during Richard Nixon’s “I Am Not a Crook” speech, his boom boom was unavailable.  Rather he was really trying to say please don’t rape me in my assholes, but if you must please use some lube.

Inconsiderate Insubordination

September 10th, 2008 at 11:07 am by Zacque
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It occurred to me today as I was looking for a place to plug up my laptop, how inconsiderate people can be when it comes to seating arrangement.  As I am just as entitled to a seat as they are.  But if you walk into a building at Pellissippi State Technical Community College,  you are more likely to find a seat in the floor than in a chair or bench.  For God(s) sake this is a not pre-civil rights issue, I am a citizen of the United States of America.  This is a terrible injustice and inconsiderate of others around you.

So students, staff and faculty should take note:

  • Students:  A bench is not a bed… (So, don’t lay down there!  Go home!)
  • All:  Everyone needs a seat… (I don’t bite or smell bad.  Get the @#$% over it!)
  • All:  On a side note, I can’t get out to my services to check my e-mail.  (It’s not me looking at porn or contracting viruses.)
  • All:  Also on this same note, why is the infrastructure for the password protected sections of the site so hard to use?  (I am relatively computer savvy,  I have issues using this… Maybe you should look into hiring Catalyst IT and Catalyst X, they work for me.  With that said they could probably help make the design appealing and functional.)
  • Staff and Faculty:  I realize to purchase applicable materials is a necessary evil, but why do they have to cost so much? (Many of my friends and colleagues are quite successful using online sources to study our information when we have problems.  I realize that not all of this information is valid, but with some reasoning I am sure this can be resolved.)

In consideration of these things, maybe atleast one person out there is listening.  That makes two, which won’t get us anywhere.  But if we could get three people to talk about these things, then they will know its a movement.  That’s what it is folks the Inconsiderate Insubordination movement, and you should sing it loud and proud if you want to make changes and stuff.

(Conclusion is loosely based from Alice’s Restaurant by Arlo Guthrie.)
Get $20 of bonus stock when you make a deposit on Stash!


September 6th, 2008 at 10:58 pm by Zacque
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   I would like to point out that we here at have hit the 666th post.  This esteemed honor of the 666th post goes to Mr. Mark Steel.

   I find it very amusing that in this blog Mark said he was tired of being screwed over, screwed with, while I wish that he could just get the screw he wants…  LOL!
666th post

666th post


  So I salute you Mark,  this beer is on you!

A Dream Deferred

August 29th, 2008 at 2:46 pm by Zacque
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What Happens to a Dream Deferred?
Does it Shrivel Up like a Raisin in the Sun?
Or Fester like a Sore and then Run?
Does it Stink like Rotten Meat?
Or Crust and Sugar Over like a Syrupy Sweet?
Maybe It Just Sags like a Heavy Load.

–Or Does it Explode?

 –Langston Hughes

Read It!  Think about it!  Take notes! Most of all interact with it!

Reading is an act of giving.  An act of giving away control and lettiong your mind wander with the artist’s (author’s) direction.  You let the artist lead your hand through the interpretation with the guides they give you in the piece.  There is still plenty left for you to do in regard to your imagination.  I call this reading in the moment, you let yourself be aborbed into the time period, the location, and the description of the times and places the artist takes you to.  It is surrendering yourself to the will of another by faith.

In order to make reading worthwhile, you must feel the literature.  Live it as you read and the reading will have meaning.  Overtime your can begin to understand with your whole heart and your being.  Literature is a living art and should be treated as such.  Once you can be open, then you can respond to the message the artist has in mind.

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Urine Testing and the Welfare System

August 26th, 2008 at 2:47 pm by Zacque
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This is a spin-off of an old e-mail that recently made its way back in my direction.

 Many people in this country have a job.  They receive payment for the work they do.  Then the government steps in a collects a portion of the proceeds they receive.  The government distributes this payment as they see fit.

 In order to get this paycheck, they submit a random urine test to their respective employer.  This is should not be an issue for any law abiding citizen.

 In reality what any citizen of this country should be concerned about are the people who receive a welfare check.  Welfare recipients do not have to pass a random urine test.  Since our government is supposed to be a system of checks and balances, why is there room for this discrepancy?  

 For the most part, United States citizens are quite giving with their money and don’t have a problem doing their part.  It should be no problem for the populous to help a few people back on their feet.

 On the other hand, there is a problem with the people that receive this money who choose to sit around, be unproductive and/or use drugs. There are several ways to fight drug addiction, visit this article Michigan Finds Fentanyl Involved In Over Half Of Major County’s Accidental Overdose Deaths and learn more!   If they have enough money to indulge in these activities, they do not need any monetary assistance.

 The only thing not covered, is who pays for the testing?   Why not have it applied against the balance of the money the recipients of the welfare system receive.  Surely they shouldn’t mind since they are on the receiving end of the bread line anyway.

 Just think, with that money saved maybe we could funnel it into education.  Maybe we could balance the budget?  Who knows?  The possibilities are endless, and perhaps you could employ the people who failed to administer the testing.  Then they wouldn’t have a need for the assistance in the first place.

 The truth be told, this system is outdated.  It was a necessary evil at the time when it was enacted; however legislation is subject to change in order to fit the demands of the present day.  Something needs to be done.  It is only a matter of time till we will make a stand and take action.  Why not make it happen today.