UPS Logic Fail

March 21st, 2015 at 5:11 pm by Chered
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Right, because nobody ever has the same schedule through the week. To make matters worse, UPS will leave a yellow sticker on your door telling you to come to their pick-up counter, which is only open from 1PM-4PM, Monday through Friday.

UPS: "Oh, you're not home at 1PM? We'll try again tomorrow at 1PM."

Cats Can Be Assholes

March 20th, 2015 at 5:47 pm by Cassie
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A cat walks into a bar.

“I’m depressed. Give me a shot of rum,” he demands of the bartender.

The bartender pours him a shot, and the cat slowly pushes it off the bar.

“Pour me another…”

"Please Don't Leave Drinks Unattended. The cat is an asshole."

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Disposable Filename Irony Explained

March 19th, 2015 at 5:40 pm by Mark
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How many times has it happened that you don’t feel the need to name something, and just bang on the keyboard a bit? The more often you do it, the more often it will become habit, until you’ll eventually bang on the keys in the exact same pattern…

Confirm Save As: biabaivjjbgojevnwoenvovnedcabeodfjgprlf.jpg already exists. Do you want to replace it? Yes  No  "Are you fucking kidding me?"

If Your Shoes Aren’t Evil?

March 18th, 2015 at 5:38 pm by Mark
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Remember that one about the evil shoes a few days ago? The Stallone treatment might not be a precursor to aching feet, too…

Shoes: Stallone vs. Vans


Have a Safe St. Patrick’s Day

March 17th, 2015 at 5:33 pm by Mark
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It’s interesting how everyone’s forgotten that St. Patrick’s Day was a celebration of the official debut of Christianity in Ireland, whereas in a America, it’s a day to get blind drunk on green beer while wearing as much green-colored clothing as possible…

St. Patrick's Day In America: Crazy Party.  Meanwhile, in Ireland...