April 7th, 2015 at 5:18 pm by Mark
Tags: 666, alabama, Beer, Devil, drinking, gas-prices, login, math
The average price of a case of beer — which contains around three gallons — is still $20, putting the ultra-premium fuel at approximately $6.66 per gallon. Given the sign comes from Alabama, the numeric value may be precisely why they didn’t bother to do that part of the math…

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September 6th, 2008 at 10:58 pm by Zacque
Tags: 666, blog, blogging, blogitude, christianity, Devil, humor, Mark of the Beast, Mark Steel
I would like to point out that we here at Blogitude.com have hit the 666th post. This esteemed honor of the 666th post goes to Mr. Mark Steel.
I find it very amusing that in this blog Mark said he was tired of being screwed over, screwed with, while I wish that he could just get the screw he wants… LOL!

666th post
So I salute you Mark, this beer is on you!
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