Posts Tagged with "addiction"

Facebook Addicts: Make Money from Facebook NOW!

January 29th, 2014 at 3:04 pm by Mark
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Using this method, even a total idiot could make between $250 – $750 a week!

How to Make Money from Facebook.  1. just go to "Account Settings."  2. press "Deactivate my account."  3. go to work

Struggling With Addiction?

July 10th, 2013 at 5:36 pm by Mark
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Since July 4th, there have been numerous reports and articles regarding addiction, especially alcohol abuse. The fact is, most anything can be done to excess: eating, watching television, using the computer and even getting angry. But with a lot of love and plenty of positive reinforcement, many people turn out just fine.

It was hard getting over my addiction to the Hokey Pokey, but I've turned myself around.

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