Posts Tagged with "biology"

Stupidity on Parade: The Maury Show

June 23rd, 2013 at 5:27 pm by Mark
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I didn’t fail Biology or Math when I was in school, and thus, never fathered any children. I will admit, however, that I did fail English once, which is a bit odd to me, considering it is my first language…

Corey says he is 2 Billion Percent Sure he did not father Tyisha's baby.  The Furture: This is what happens when you fail both Biology and Mathematics.

Biology Fail: The Stupidest Thing You’ll Read All Day

April 5th, 2012 at 12:15 pm by Michelle
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This is a common sense fail, pregnancy fail, racism fail and biology fail all rolled into one. This sort of “genius” should be bred out of the gene pool, not into it.

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