Posts Tagged with "coral"

The Walking Dead Season 5 Finale

March 29th, 2015 at 5:17 pm by Mark
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Tonight, it’s the exciting conclusion of The Walking Dead’s fifth season. Is Rick Grimes batshit crazy? Will Peter the Porch Dick meet his untimely demise? Will Negan and the Wolves finally be revealed? Will Carl ever learn to stay in the damn house?

Rick & Coral.  Rick: "Coral, Did you hear about the tailor who became a zombie?"  Carl: "Dad, please stop"  Rick: "It was a fitting end, Coral!  A FITTING END!"

The Walking Dead: Why Bob Lost His Foot

February 8th, 2015 at 5:50 pm by Mark
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Before Bob, Gareth was eating a clown. He leaned over to another Terminus resident and said, “Does this taste funny to you?”

Rick: "Coral, did you know all those cannibals were aspiring dancers?" Carl: "Dad, stop"  Rick: "That's why they cut footloose, Coral.  They cut footloose!"
