Posts Tagged with "cannibalism"

What Kind of Meat Is It?

March 2nd, 2015 at 7:12 pm by Mark
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When asked by prosecutors why he was found eating his neighbor’s upper arm, the cannibal clown replied, “Because it was humerus!”

Clown Meat: It Tastes Funny

The Walking Dead: Why Bob Lost His Foot

February 8th, 2015 at 5:50 pm by Mark
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Before Bob, Gareth was eating a clown. He leaned over to another Terminus resident and said, “Does this taste funny to you?”

Rick: "Coral, did you know all those cannibals were aspiring dancers?" Carl: "Dad, stop"  Rick: "That's why they cut footloose, Coral.  They cut footloose!"


Eat More … Umm, Nevermind

January 28th, 2012 at 5:26 pm by Mark
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It’s like I’ve always said: Vegetables aren’t food. Vegetables are what food eats.

Besides … Who is PeTA kidding? Silicone isn’t meat.

Cannibal Consulting

January 30th, 2009 at 12:08 pm by Mark
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currypaste     “Mark, what’s wrong with you today?” (concerned)
     “Sorry, a little shaky.  Low blood sugar… I’ve been busting my ass here all day, and I need food… now…”
     “Man, I need this shit finished, then you can grab some food…” (annoyed)
     “I’m so hungry, I could eat a whore…”
     “You mean horse, right?” (laughing)
     “No, I’m really that hungry… and thinking how nice that’d be boiled in coconut milk, with shallots, garlic and green chili paste…”
     “Uhh, Mark, you’re disturbed, man.” (worried)
     “Ya know, you’re starting to look pretty tasty, yourself.”
     “Uhh, okay, umm…” (more worried)
     “Now you’re starting to sound like our new President, which is good.  I happen to like a mixture of dark and light meat in a curry…”
     “Yeah, okay, uhh… I mean… go grab something…” (fear)
     “I’ll be back soon.”
     “Nah, that’s okay… Just, uhh.. I mean… you can finish whenever…” (scared)

     It was amusing to hear the door locking as I walked out of his office…

     …and they call themselves “headhunters.” *rolls eyes*

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Legal Cannibalism?

April 10th, 2007 at 7:17 am by Diva
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I was listening to WATE news this morning while I was getting ready to go to work. I just about poked my eye out with my mascara wand when I heard them say that the vote was 18 – 12 on the bill that Tim Burchett has sponsored which would allow any adult (over 21) driver of a motorcycle could ride legally without a helmet.

Well, now there’s a really good idea. I’m really a simple minded girl. But, the possible outcome of letting a bunch of YAY-hoo’s run rampant on the roads with nothing there to protect what brains God gave them doesn’t sound at all too smart.

Scenario: Let’s jump onto a land missile, gun it up to 125mph, dart in and out of traffic, and hope with all that’s good, that we don’t get into an accident wherein we fly off of the motorcyle, sail 100 feet through the air, land on or whack our head and spill our brain out all over the road for everybody that passes by to see.

Burchett, who is a Rep. senator from Knoxvegas, was catapulted to fame with his “We should have the right to scoop up that possum from the side of the road and eat it” bill of 1999.

So, within this rant I wish to pose two questions:

  1. If a dork on a crotch rocket decides to fore go the helmet, gets in a horrific crash and subsequently dies, wouldn’t that, in theory, be considered natural selection?Think about it, if a body is stupid enough to rip and roar down the freeway without some sort of protection on said head, isn’t it a matter of natural selection. The stupid ones go to make way for the more intellectually superior?Not to imply that I think someone who rides with no helmet should go die, not at all. I’m just saying USE YOUR HEAD PEOPLE.
  2. The second question that came to mind when considering this bill, along with the ding-dong that supported it is this: If we in the Great State of Tennessee are legally allowed to chow down on some tasty raccoon, ‘possum, deer or whatever else may fly out in front of us, does that mean cannibalism of the dork-non-helmet-type- motorcycle rider is legal?

I don’t eat meat, so I gain nothing from this theory. Just having a little fun.