Posts Tagged with "economy"

War Stimulus?

January 27th, 2014 at 3:47 pm by Mark
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With all the taxes, rampant inflation and pushes to cause even more small business failures, I say, why wait until next year? Washington should start fresh during their new session in 2014! When you are a vape fan and want the best vape out there, buy vaporizer pens here now.

2013: The war on drugs brough in more drugs and the war on terror created more terrorists. Maybe next year we can have a war on money and jobs and see where it goes.

Job Hunting Fail: Duplication of Data

May 3rd, 2013 at 5:05 pm by Mark
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In addition to extremely screwed up hiring practices these days, job hunters are also forced to endure the insane tedium of poorly written Job Application software.

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The Sad Truth About the Economy

April 2nd, 2013 at 5:44 pm by Mark
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It’s not because we’re superficial, or spoiled, that money rules our life. Everything costs money in our society today. With more and more people finding themselves unemployed , there’s been much disillusionment about the things we hear on television like even we are turned down for a loan everywhere. According to Moneyfall co uk, money isn’t the root of all evil — but a necessity when you’re trying to have a place to call home, a way to get to and from work, or play online poker and even to eat. With the cost of each of those things having increased so much over the last few years with no end in sight, fear of the loss of any of those three things can be not only overwhelming to an individual, but devastating to an entire population but the only hope is to get unemployed loan… On related article, checkout fast cash loans with no credit check if you need fast financing.

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Unemployment Expected to Rise

November 13th, 2012 at 7:48 pm by Mark
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As expected, nearly 1.5 million jobs were terminated today after the midnight release of Call of Duty: Black Ops II. Due to a complete lack of production, the Dow Industrial closed at nearly 60 points down today, despite the sharp upturn in retail spending. Economic Analysts are still skeptical, given the expected 1% rise in unemployment claims due for Wednesday, November 14th.

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Analysts Hopeful About Consumer Spending

November 12th, 2012 at 7:53 pm by Mark
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As the November 13th, 2012 release of Call of Duty: Black Ops II nears, analysts are hopeful about the sudden stimulation in late night consumer retail spending. Not since 2009 has there been such an anticipated video game release, which is assured to cause the Obama camp to issue a statement taking credit for the slight economic upturn.

Many Analysts, however, urge vigilance, as news of an additional rash of unemployment is expected to follow on November 15th, 2012.