Posts Tagged with "football"

Patriots Receive Super Bowl Rings

February 9th, 2015 at 6:04 pm by Chered
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After a week, the Patriots have received their new Super Bowl Championship rings.

In Honor of the Patriots, New Super Bowl Rings

Pete Carroll’s Super Bowl Mistake Not Soon Forgotten

February 4th, 2015 at 5:53 pm by Mark
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After a completely nonsensical decision to have Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson pass at the three yard line — giving the Patriots an interception and costing the Seahawks a Super Bowl victory — comedians are getting a lot of run out of coach Pete Carroll. More of a run, in fact, than Marshawn Lynch got out of coach Pete Carroll…

Should I Hand This To You, or Step Back 5 Yards and Throw It for No Reason?

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Shocking Half-time Show: Look Who Showed Up!

February 1st, 2015 at 8:16 pm by Mark
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Sorry, guys. Justin Timberlake will not be making a special, guest appearance during the halftime show…

Sorry, Detroit, I was wrong. A Lion did make it to the superbowl...

Washington Redskins Name Found Offensive

June 20th, 2014 at 5:18 pm by Mark
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The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office canceled the Washington Redskins’ trademark, effective 18-Jun-2014 because US trademark law does not permit registration of trademarks that “may disparage” individuals or groups. This doesn’t necessarily require the Redskins to change their name as of yet, but will certainly add fuel to the fire for the entire [ridiculous] debate.

Breaking News: Washington Redskins drop the word "Washington" from their name because it's embarrassing.

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Tony Romo: Secret Packer Fan?

December 16th, 2013 at 5:39 pm by Mark
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After the Cowboys-Packers game, Tony Romo went to both KFC and Arby’s and was informed that they were all out of Turnovers…

After the game,Tony Romo threw his helmet towards the sideline in disgust. That, too, was intercepted.