Posts Tagged with "politically correct"

Washington Redskins Name Found Offensive

June 20th, 2014 at 5:18 pm by Mark
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The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office canceled the Washington Redskins’ trademark, effective 18-Jun-2014 because US trademark law does not permit registration of trademarks that “may disparage” individuals or groups. This doesn’t necessarily require the Redskins to change their name as of yet, but will certainly add fuel to the fire for the entire [ridiculous] debate.

Breaking News: Washington Redskins drop the word "Washington" from their name because it's embarrassing.

Ever Ruin Both Sides of an Argument?

March 2nd, 2014 at 1:26 pm by Chered
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Pissing off people shouldn’t be this much fun!!

That moment with you piss a conservative and a leftie off simultaneously... by proclamining you believe in gun rights for married gay couples to defend their home and marijuana plants.

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Are Helen Keller Jokes Offensive?

February 6th, 2014 at 5:32 pm by Mark
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If I have to ask whether a joke is going to offend anyone before I post it, it probably is. That does not, however, mean I that won’t spew coffee out my nose the first time I hear it…

Helen Keller and her beloved cat, "Mittens"

Absolutely Tasteless: Helen Keller Jokes

October 3rd, 2012 at 5:26 pm by Mark
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I’m sure everyone remembers Ashton Applewhite’s Truly Tasteless Jokes books back in the 80’s (written under the name Blanche Knott), each with numerous entries about dead babies, painful dismemberments and, more notably, Helen Keller.

If you enjoyed that sort of thing and Political Correctness hasn’t completely ruined you, you should check out Helen Keller’s Twitter Page for a few tongue-in-cheeks laughs.


Please! Don’t Upset the Cougars

January 26th, 2012 at 6:41 pm by Mark
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We’re used to people being at the ridiculous end of Politically Correct when we hear “California.” But in Utah last week, the Canyons School District decided to overturn a vote for the new Draper High School’s mascot because the word “may be offensive to some women.” Other news reports are more specific, saying the word “might be seen as offensive to middle-aged women.”

Yes, Cougars.

If subsequent reports are correct, Draper, Utah must be full of sexually aggressive, middle-aged women seeking relationships with men up to the age of 24.

Amusingly, Brigham Young University’s mascot is the Cougar. When considering the Mormonism & Polygamy bit, I suppose the BYU Sugar Daddies might’ve been more appropriate.

Sources: Salt Lake City’s Fox 13, Yahoo! Sports