Posts Tagged with "innuendo"

This Post is Not About Steve Jobs and the iPad

January 27th, 2010 at 3:58 pm by Mark
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     Note that today’s post is one of the few on the Internet which is not about Steve Jobs’ latest creation, the iPad.  Also note that we will not be making any lame jokes about the iPad Mini, the iPad Maxi or the iPad With Wings.  Also, also note that we will not be making any jokes about the Apple Marketing Department caressing their inner womanhood, ever so slightly at first in a circular motion, then harder while reversing the direction, becoming slightly faster as the heavy breathing begins, harder and faster in the opposite direction, gripping the sheets with the other hand while … wait …
     Sorry, I went off on a tangent.

     The truth is, we here at feel that testosterone-laden innuendo should never be mixed with feminine hygiene products, or the body parts that the aforementioned products are used on.  Especially not when it’s Steve Jobs… 
     Ack, another tangent… only that one did manage to make me throw up in my mouth a bit….

     Now, seriously, back on subject.  Testosterone and feminine products just don’t mix.  The results can be… well… something like this video…

     Now, I certainly hope you’ve all learned your lesson.

Rachel Ray Gives her Audience Blue Balls

November 15th, 2009 at 3:19 pm by Mark
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     Apparently, Rachel Ray doesn’t like blue balls.

     But a lot of her audience does…


What on Earth are Our Children Watching?

October 19th, 2009 at 11:34 am by Mark
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     We ignored it when the British childrens’ show Rainbow taught such habits…

     But as time progressed, they strayed from innuendo…

     Alas, now the problem seems to have crossed into our borders.  Even our beloved Sesame Street has become a refuge for such perversion…

     Sick and twisted, all of it!  And I, for one, intend to do all I can to draw attention this sort of rampant sexual innuendo!

Note: Hat tip to Anton Olsen for his dilligence in bringing this matter to my attention.

I can’t wait…..

September 25th, 2009 at 1:37 pm by Glenn
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for the day when we have an all hands meeting and one of the comments is for “the asshole jerking off in the bathroom to please stop” so I can raise my hand and say…..

Robinhood: Free Stocks for your Referrals!

Review: Harry Potter and the Half-Dead Script

July 18th, 2009 at 4:29 pm by Mark
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Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince     Some nights, people are up for a bit of self-inflicted boredom and self-abuse which doesn’t require imbibing copious amounts of alcohol and playing six thousand three hundred forty-two games of Solitaire.  If you’re one of those people, I suggest you go and see the latest installment of the Harry Potter franchise, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, at your local movie theater.

     The movie begins with the main character, Harry Potter (portrayed by the now 40-year-old Daniel Radcliff) standing bloody-nosed next to his “special” friend and mentor, Albus “Gaybeard” Dumbledore.  Next, Gaybeard cock-blocks Potter as he finally gets up the cajones to attempt the franchise’s first interracial romance.  This repeated cock-blocking continues, as Potter’s best friend Ron Weaseley begins flirting with every girl in the school, including Potter’s only hope of ever getting a piece, Hermione Grainger.

     The next seven hours (yes, the film was entirely too long) are filled with droll humdrum, an entirely-too-long game of Quidditch, and a few ridiculous assassinations combined with some rather unspectacular visual effects when compared to the other films.  The script itself takes a Star Wars-style detour as Vice Chancellor Snape assists Anakin Malfoy in destroying, err, wait … Well, anyway, yes, Obi-Wan Dumblodore is defeated, but will “only grow stronger.”  Whatever.

     Hopefully, the franchise will be redeemed with the next film, “Harry Potter Can’t Even Get Laid with a Horcrux.”