Posts Tagged with "irony"

Sarcastic Dad: Ultimate Parenting WIN!

March 15th, 2012 at 11:42 pm by Mark
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Too many people give their children no consequences. They grow up with no sense of right and wrong, with no respect for anyone. Tommy Jordan, on the other hand, takes the horrible behavior of his daughter and turns the tables in a method she will certainly understand — and remember. There are certainly lot of mixed reactions, to this guy’s parenting style, but in my book, this guy is a hero.

For thumbs up or outrage, check the article, or the original Facebook thread.

With Regard to Good Manners

February 29th, 2012 at 5:32 pm by Mark
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Many decry society based on a complete lack of good manners, evoking memories of an earlier time when the word “please” was always followed by a “thank you,” and a “thank you” was always followed by “you’re welcome.” While it’s true that many have no regard for others, it’s always good to see that at least a few of our youth have learned the value of these sorts of niceties.

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Anti-Smoking: Adventures in Irony

December 7th, 2010 at 12:14 pm by Mark
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     Everyone complains about smoking these days. It’s getting to the point that the simple act of having a cigarette by your car in an open-air parking lot is a damnable offense.  People can be so ridiculously dramatic about it, claiming, “You people are polluting the air for the rest of us!” as they get into their oversized, gas-guzzling SUV’s and speed away.
     But the one, snarky question that I love the most is, “If you’re so broke, why do you smoke?” And there’s such a simple answer, really.

      Smoking gives me a moment to walk away from a volatile situation and take a few deep breaths. Very often, it also gives me the chance to pause and reflect in an attempt to try and understand someone else’s viewpoint, rather than making a kneejerk reaction to lambast them for doing something I don’t agree with…

     …like smoking.

Reference: Everything For 420 Pipes.

The Non-Smoking Non-Ashtray