April 4th, 2015 at 5:04 pm by Mark
Tags: behavior, dogs, doors, kids, spring, sun
No longer does the dog have to cringe at the thought of going outside and worry about any “accidents” in the house It’s warm — a beautiful day — and all is well in the world. 🙂 But there is a down side…

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January 29th, 2015 at 5:57 pm by Chered
Tags: arguing, games, kids, profanity, video games, xbox
Can video games stress the nervous system enough to cause mood changes? Tantrums? Explosive behavior?
Let’s be honest. By age five, these kids usually have the mouths of sailors. A wise man once said that a normal person, plus anonymity, plus an audience, equals…F@#$%wad. The tendency for anonymous crowds to be abusive is well-known, and adding in the competitive nature of online multiplayer games doesn’t help things.
You may have experienced it yourself, that player in the chat who gets angry and aggressive; calling people names and filling the screen with lines of typed abuse. If you’re on voice-chat, it could be shouted insults filled with curses, or sneered commands from someone convinced they’re superior.
This environment can become overwhelming for some, and many decide to drop out and play something else. At first, you might be driven by your emotions and react the same way, but after you realize it’s just a game and it’s not actually worth it, you’ll start looking for different online games that will not have these kinds of upsetting interactions with other players.

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April 9th, 2014 at 7:12 pm by Kimberly
Tags: bad parenting, books, kids, parenting, therapy
It’s nothing decades of therapy won’t sort out!

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March 16th, 2014 at 3:38 pm by Jason
Tags: bad parenting, begging, fail, kids, money
Yesterday a kid walked up to me in a restaurant and asked if he could “borrow” my money. I said, “No go ask your daddy.” I wanted to see what man he went to and punch him in the face but the kid walked all over the restaurant like he had no parents. It’s hard to blame the kids.

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March 14th, 2014 at 3:59 pm by Diva
Tags: asshats, kids, parenting, social commentary, spanking, violence
I grew up getting my ass kicked for screwing around in school, getting bad grades, being disrespectful, trying to dress like a ho, breaking curfew, cussing, smoking. etc. After 40 and having children of my own, I don’t hate my parents for it, no. I grew up to be somebody. I work my ass off and do my best to teach my kids not to be a waste of air.

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