Posts Tagged with "law"

Using Cleavage to Avoid a Ticket?

December 18th, 2013 at 5:07 pm by Mark
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As some women do — and we all know at least one — she’ll likely end up driving away without a ticket due to her ability to, “utilize her assets.” Whoever said, “Justice is blind,” obviously never had to deal with a pair of 36D’s in a push-up bra.

Cleavage, don't fail me now!

Choice Way to Get Expelled From School

June 14th, 2013 at 5:42 pm by Mark
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With the rash of Anti-Gun, Zero-Tolerance going around lately, I can only say — kids, don’t try this at school!

A-Salt Rifle


Morality Lesson from a Teddy Bear

September 22nd, 2012 at 4:20 pm by Mark
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According to the Recording Industry Association of America, Ted just might have a point…

Breaking Satire: Casey Anthony’s Sentence Proposed

July 5th, 2011 at 2:56 pm by Mark
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Orlando, FL (Via the Web) – The “Not Guilty” verdict handed down by a Florida jury against Casey Anthony, accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter, Caylee, came as quite a shock to everyone on July 5th, 2011. Judge Belvin Perry has repeatedly reprimanded her defense team over the last week as witnesses continued to use unintroduced evidentiary statements which set the entire process on the verge of mistrial.

Across the country, there was nothing but astonishment as the jury delivered their acquital. Across Social Media sites, there is an overwhelming sense that there is something tremendously wrong in our court systems. “Apparently you can kill your toddler, party for a month, and wait for your mother to report it to the police,” wrote one Twitter user.

Judge Belvin Perry already expects to see Casey Anthony back in court next week for her sentencing phase, as she was found guilty of giving false information to police, which can carry rather severe penalties. “In the interest of fairness,” quoted Perry, “I think it would be in everyone’s best interest to sentence Ms. Anthony to no less than 36 hours of Community Service providing child care to each of the jurors who found her innocent.”


Torturer, Murderer Lemaricus Davidson Sentenced to Death

October 30th, 2009 at 4:11 pm by Mark
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     While anti-Death Penalty activists littered the streets with see-no-evil, hear-no-evil antics, a Knox County Jury who actually heard the case against Lemaricus Davidson were deliberating.

     It was a short deliberation.

     Davidson was sentenced to Death.

     A joint press release by Saddam Hussein and Jeffrey Dahmer says that there was overwhelming applause for the outcome of the trial, and wish Davidson a safe and expedient journey to his new residence in Hell.

     “Ain’t so bad, cause you can smoke anywhere,” said Tupac Shakur, another Hell resident. “But they ain’t got Menthol.”

     I will attempt to keep this post up-to-date with new developments.