Posts Tagged with "media"

One Tough House

March 31st, 2015 at 5:57 pm by Mark
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Fortunately, no one was home during the disturbance.

News Headline: Fire Destroyed by Home

4chan for Dummies

January 24th, 2015 at 5:14 pm by Mark
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As many have heard on the news, 4chan’s somewhat infamous administrator, Christopher “moot” Poole (known affectionately by his followers as “fag”), is moving on to greener endeavors, leaving the “Anti-social media” site’s day-to-day operations to a reliable team.

Many have been confused by the fact that this made national news, as they usually associate 4chan with a “hacker subculture.” In fact, for eleven and a half years, 4chan has been the single-most prolific collection of Internet “random” that exists, garnering over 42 billion pageviews. That it has very few rules regarding content — and even a few subject-boards with no rules — has earned it a reputation as the delicious, gooey center of twisted, sick Internet humor.

If you’re still sure what that means, 4chan can be summed this easily:

4CHAN Anon: "Fuck off and enjoy your shekels you fucking faggot. You won't be missed. What's next for his career?"  Anon: "Where do we go now?  8can is filth. redit is shit. Wat do"  Anon: "We could go out and talk to people in the real life world."  Anon: "Honest answers pls."

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Media Fail: Norman Reedus Edition

January 22nd, 2015 at 5:32 pm by Chered
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Daryl Dixon is not amused.

You Had One Job: Norman Reedus credited as Andrew Lincoln

Ironic Media Interview with Jogger

February 13th, 2014 at 3:00 pm by Mark
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Portland, Oregon news channel 6 caught up with some local joggers Sunday night. Quotes one jogger, known only as Chelsea, “It’s the perfect texture for running, very low impact and it’s dry snow, so your feet don’t get wet.”

Tip: Singer-Songwriter Jason Ellis, via Facebook

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Cheer Up, BBC. WXYZ Doesn’t Know Flags, Either

February 11th, 2014 at 5:01 pm by Mark
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Like the BBC, who showed Team Ireland as Team India, this Sunday broadcast by an American TV News station only got forty percent of the world flags correct in their own report. Worse still, they failed to get their own country’s flag right…

But in their defense, 40% isn’t too bad, given that WXYZ News 7 is based in Detroit, Michigan, which is considered by many to be North Windsor, Ontario.

Detroit WXYZ News 7: Olympic Coverage with incorrect flags.